A specific type of curse that is the hallmark of the American South, the Caribbean and in African Magick is rootwork. This is a form of curse often involving the use of specific ritual items to focus energy. Many have walked outside their front door to find a dead animal, strange hair, powder or items in bottles. Only later do they start to experience the symptoms of the fix. Rootworking works by channeling spiritual energy through and into objects. It is distinct from other forms of jinx, hex or curse because it requires physical objects to work. This is true regardless of where the rootwork is being performed. It can be done in Voodoo, Palo Mayombe, Santeria or in Obeah. But in all you will find that special magically-charged items are used to bring about an effect. This is one pillar in detecting if you have been cursed via rootwork – finding a ritual or magical object on your property. These items do not need to be placed on your property to function. But in many traditions and situations it is required. And in these we are all fortunate, because we all have an easier chance to detect if we have been spiritually attacked. In stealthier forms the ritual object is often retained by the witch or bokur. The only way to determine if rootwork has been performed in this case is to examine the results. The symptoms of a curse performed by rootwork or by ceremonial means are very similar. Major symptoms include, but are not limited to: 1. Relationship difficulties, break-ups and spousal infidelity. 2. Loss of material wealth, financial difficulty and debt. 3. Decline in energy and low sense of well-being. 4. Deterioration of physical health, sickness and even death. One or more of these alone should not be taken as proof that you have been cursed, either by rootwork or otherwise. All avenues should be examined to determine the cause of any symptom. However, when these occur together or you suspect that spiritual forces may be involved it is prudent to err on the side of caution. Just as you would not leave a physical illness untreated you must also seek consul for your spiritual ailments. Your spiritual health is just as important as your physical health, if not more so. If you determine that you are cursed and specifically that you have had rootwork done to you then you are looking at two things to stop it. The first is disposing of the magically-charged item or items. This can be done in many ways, but the three most secure and simple fashions that you can do at home are: 1. Throw the item into the sea, over your shoulder, without looking back. 2. Bury the item at a crossroads and walk away without looking back. 3. Dispose of the item in a trash can, pour salt over it (thoroughly) and walk away without looking back. You may notice that in all of these situations you have to walk away without looking back. This is because many forms of rootwork curses involve actual living spirits. They are intelligent beings (in some cases, very intelligent) and they can follow you if you give them a way to do so. Not looking back cuts them off. This occult teaching was anciently revealed in the book of Genesis (19:26) “Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain!” If you cannot dispose of the item or have disposed of it improperly hope is not lost. You can still break the root hex. This must be done with a counter spell and it must be more powerful than the original curse. A spell of this type must single out the spirit or negative element and isolate it from you. It must also have a way to prevent its return. It is stated simply, but there are literally thousands of traditions to counter this type of hex from every country in the world. Many work well and many do not work at all. So test carefully what you perform for yourself and if you decide to seek spiritual help, Spell Review is a great resource for finding psychics and spell casters to help.
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