In the world of today, most of us count on our good old credit cards to take care of the debts that we incur. No matter how many zeroes appear against the amount given on the check, we know that our piece of plastic will cover it. Hand it over to the sales person, a swipe here, a sign there, and the payment is made. Easy, stress-free, and instant. They are our shopping buddies any and every time. We can rely on them when the ATM machine decides to act difficult. Thanks to them, we don't have to carry around stacks and stacks of money. But do we know how to pay attention to our favorite credit cards? One of the first things to remember with regard to credit card safety is to not reveal your credit card number to all and sundry. Even while giving the number to somebody over the phone or while entering it on a site on cyberspace, make sure that the person or website is legitimate. Then, when your credit card statement arrives, go through each entry to make sure that there are no incorrect entries. If a payment does not sound familiar, make sure that you check it out thoroughly. Store the bills, and check them against your monthly statement. This will really help you in making sure of the accuracy of the statement. Also, even while making payments check the receipts before you put your signature on any bill or receipt. Don't sign any receipt which contains blank spaces. Also, you don't have to carry your entire collection of credit cards when you go anywhere. Carry only the ones that you know you will need. Store the others away in a safe and handy place. Also, keep a track of all the credit cards that you have. Don't fool yourself by saying that it isn't likely to get lost. You are the one who will be landed with an enormous bill if you remain unaware of whether or not a credit card of yours has been stolen. If your credit card does disappear, give the details of the card to the credit card company and make a note of it. You might also have to make a report at a nearby police station. Make sure you have a list beforehand of the formalities that have to be coped with. It is possible that you are not the type to lose your credit card. But note that you don't need to lose your credit card to be victim to a whole host of credit card related crimes. So stay alert at all times, and pay attention to your favorite credit cards. Ajeet Khurana recommends that you read: credit cards, balance transfers, and 0 credit cards.
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