Employment Law: Today it happened with me but tomorrow it might be your turn This is article not for a general discussion, but this about happen with me in my previous company and that environment give me a bad moment of life and this matter I don't forget still today, I am an employee of a company (name of company I don't write here) x. Really I am a good employee in it, but one of my mistakes creates a problem to make of reason of leave it. I tell about all that happened with me, this was Monday, I came to company at 8am, suddenly my sister said that she wanted to go with me to the bank first I said no, but my no one had at home so I went to bank with her, As the procedure of company you need to inform to team leader or Division leader, but I called DL and I said to I will not come today and my phone disconnected and then I know mobile battery became spoil and all contact number had in mobile so I didn't inform to my team leader. Only this reason I got punishment as five days salaries and employee of month I never be got and this is not only given me unpaid job, but also mentally disturbed, at last I left these jobs, I am to ask you, this is my right decision or not and I need to compensation about all this happened with me and all these punishment right or not for any employees. This type of problem you can need a lawyer or solicitor then you can get right suggestion about the all matter that gives the power of fight against wrong or misbehavior with you as happened with me. More information about all type of problems you visit on Employment law solicitors Solihull and called on 0844 335 8456. Author is working with online marketing company and recently he is writing general discussion on Employment law solicitors Solihull.
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