People have gone as far as attributing economic success and efficiency to what has been dubbed the "lifeblood" of America: coffee. Whether you are a young urban professional or an over the hill farmer your choice of beverage in the morning will most likely be coffee. But despite the overwhelming popularity of coffee one has to wonder just how healthy is this drink? Consumers would do well to educate themselves as to the few but important benefits available so they can know what they are ingesting as well as how it is manifested in their bodies. When taking a poll of coffee drinkers the number one reason why people choose this beverage is the increased mental awareness coupled with a new found feeling of being energized after drinking one or 2 cups. Your mind and body upon waking up in the morning are not fully functional and may need some sort of quick pick me up. Often, as the unfortunate may attest to, the body and mind agree in their early-morning stupor that bedtime isn't over. The magic ingredient in coffee – caffeine – is the drug responsible for the feelings of sharpened mental acuity and renewed feelings of optimism. The result of drinking coffee, and subsequently ingesting the caffeine in the coffee, will be improved cognitive abilities coupled with an emotional upper left. The need for coffee, and the resulting pick me up it provides in the morning, is a very hard habit for the average American to break. Although the studies that indicate this information offer little in the way of causality, there has been made a correlation between coffee consumption and Alzheimer's disease prevention. By drinking large amounts of coffee does this mean that Alzheimer's will not impact your life? Possibly, but this has yet to be proved. For those seniors who prefer to drink cappuccinos as opposed to being couch potatoes this truly must be great news. A third health benefit of drinking coffee is how coffee can help with our digestion of food. As we get older our colon muscles tend to weaken, thus become more susceptible to cancer. Prolonged caffeine consumption has been proven to help prevent cancer of the colon as well as aid in the body’s ability to digest food. If you are a decaffeinated coffee drinker you will share in some of these health benefits as both decaffeinated coffee and regular coffee both aid in the prevention of constipation. As coffee becomes ever more popular and health benefits of coffee become more available to the public one can't but wonder where this information will take the coffee industry. With this new found knowledge that coffee is actually good for you perhaps more people will take up drinking the brew – only time will tell. Dave Lashier wrote this article because he loves coffee! Search Espresso Machine Reviews or Visit: to find info on the best espresso machines!
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