11%, 13%, 14% ... ... I do not know whether this figure will continue to grow again? To mitigate the adverse external environment, the impact on China's exports, following the August 1, 2008 will be part of the national textile and garment export rebate rate from 11% to 13%, the November 1 national textile and garment again raised the export tax rebate rate of 1 percentage points to 14%. Less than six months, China's textile and garment export tax rebate rate up 3 times in a row, the New Deal of the enterprises should be a positive factor, but in the context of the global financial crisis, but still some people happy, while others worry! Public textile enterprises mixed reactions "Better than nothing," "increase of 1 percentage point is a good thing, at least we can breath a little"; "The export tax rebate, my view is: 17% Ye Hao, 11%, it is all much to complain useful, timely cancellation of the proposed state." Garment and textile exports have been hit with nearly ten years traffic in a Hangzhou Import and Export Trading Company Mr. Dong told reporters. His indifferent attitude, and after the trade of "callback textile export tax rebate rate to 17%" as the industry "The island" opposite the earnest. Mr. Dong explained that from his many years of experience to see, finally, "this tax is not retreated to the hands of Chinese enterprises, but all of a disguised subsidy to the world." A policy of two voices, through the collection of different voices from business online, we can easily see that, to some extent, the New Deal did for the part of the life companies cliff line students bring hope, but Burton "meal" can not satisfy everyone's appetite, inevitably someone will complain: "17% of the Ye Hao, 11%, it is all much to complain useful, timely cancellation of the proposed state." Subsidies or subsidies in the world in China? Present, SMEs are experiencing financial difficulty and high cost of low order three major problems. The absence of the price right to speak, in the field of textile and garment exports, the export tax rebate the profits the past, have already been several rounds of racing in lower prices in the "offer" to the foreign buyers, which have claimed the export tax rebate is a subsidy to the foreign practice buyers. "China's textile products, low prices, good quality, there are very competitive. For Europe and the United States, even when the price increased 17%, can be considered very cheap." Boss of a trading company Daochu their point of view. Instead, the rate of export tax rebate up to the opportunity to lower prices of foreign opportunities. It is estimated, taking into account the foreign export tax rebate rate increases on the grounds of lower prices, the domestic textile industry could really benefit from the tax rebate amount only 50% to 60%. Timely expert advice Following the launch of each new deal, something the industry will lead to "war of words." In fact, we argue too much emphasis on the process, while ignoring the nature of the results?? Policy issued that order, followed by that implementation. Strong opposition again, can not produce immediate results. Very moment, let us stop and listen to the experts recommend?? Export tax rebates raised only a temporary solution, enterprises themselves should conduct a comprehensive upgrade . "A fundamental point of view, the upward adjustment of export tax rebate rate on textile and some export-oriented businesses only in alleviating the pressure influence on the development of the industry will not change the trend. Because the export tax rebate rate increase on exports does not play a substantial increase in the number of drivers. " Some experts pointed out that The export volume growth mainly depends on the foreign market demand, in the context of recent global financial crisis, foreign demand, or will decline, weak in the main business income subject to the export tax rebate rate of increase is difficult to substantially improve the net-related businesses scale and level of profit. Therefore, the export tax rebate up only a temporary solution, does not fundamentally solve the industrial upgrading and product structure, low operating efficiency for the textile industry, this policy is to emergency measures, and therefore not calculated the actual inflow of foreign hands in the tax rebate. To resolve such labor-intensive enterprises to upgrade industrial structure problem, or should efforts industry itself, eliminate backward production capacity, change the growth mode, and ultimately long-term stability of enterprises. Little Knowledge: Textile export tax rebate is the introduction of a means of protection, so in foreign markets with price competitiveness, to encourage exports, the export tax rebate rate note is a subsidy to strengthen, it could offset some of the export tax. But China's textiles are often used as a dumping abroad, often a victim of foreign anti-dumping, the export tax rebate rate of increase can not absolutely say that is good or bad, to avoid the dumping of foreign country to improve our most important textile technical content. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as gas electric cookers , multi purpose cooker Manufacturer, and more. For more , please visit electric ceramic cooker today!
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