The job description of pharmacy technicians is constantly evolving. The duties of these technicians are also getting more complicated with time. Even the quantum of work being assigned to them continues to increase. This is the reason some certification process is essential for this profession. As the ratio of elderly is rising, the demand for prescribed medicines is also increasing. According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s statistics, almost every elderly person in the age group of 60 or more requires one or more prescription drugs for their health. These medications ensure that these elderly remain healthy, and live for long. This phenomenon is observed across the globe. While this observation may be bad news for some sectors, it is good news for pharmacy technician. This is because they would have more employment opportunities. Pharmacy technicians usually work in hospital pharmacies. They are also employed by other pharmacies that are not attached to any hospitals or health care facilities. Their job is to assist pharmacists in processing any medicines, and disbursing such medication. In addition, they do data entry relating to such medicines including filling in forms for reordering any medicines. At times, medicines have to be compounded, and packaged. Pharmacy technicians also have to interact with patients. This is the reason they should possess good communicating skills. On the whole, the job is quite complicated because it is related to health of people. This is the reason it is necessary to have a process for pharmacy technician training. Certificate of a pharmacy technician implies that the person is well qualified for the work, and capable of doing relevant duties. Such certification is written as CPhT. These letters inspire confidence in people as they feel that the technician knows his or her job. Such certification courses add to the pharmacy technician’s knowledge and equip him or her with required professional skills. Such courses often ensure higher salaries as well. Many large companies prefer to hire certified pharmacy technicians. Likewise, certified technicians are ranked a notch or two higher when promotions are being considered. In the US, the Institute for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians, and PTCB (The Pharmacy Technician Certification Board) conduct National Certification Exam for Pharmacy Technician. These two organizations maintain a very high standard so that pharmacy technicians who are finally certified by them are employable in any part of the world, and only best technicians receive such certificates. Pharmacy Technician Training Certification. “Becoming a Pharmacy Technician.” March 2011
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