Strains and sprains…Most of us have experienced these at one time or another but these are most common in athletes, dancers, and those who engage in strenuous activities. We often use the words interchangeably but they are actually distinct and different from each other. What is a sprain? A sprain involves injury to the ligament, which is the tissue that connects a bone to another bone. The stretching or the tearing of a ligament as a result of some force that is too strong for it to withstand results to sprain. A common example of sprain is what happens when we roll our ankles. What is a strain? A strain, on the other hand, involves injury to the muscles and tendons. A tendon is a tissue that connects muscles to bones. Overstretching of the muscles beyond its capacity results to strain. Runners are the ones most susceptible to strains. Whatever the cause of injury, pain, swelling, bruising, inability to move the injured part, and muscle spasms are the most common symptoms of sprains and strains. What is the first aid treatment for strains and sprains? To better remember the management for strains and sprains, the acronym RICE is used: R- Stands for REST. Rest the injured area to prevent more harm and injury to the tissues and to promote healing. This may be done with the use of a splint or a sling. I- Stands for ICE. Use cold compress within 24 hours of the injury. Ice packs are placed on the affected area for about 15 minutes with 30 minutes interval. Cold therapy constricts the blood vessels, thus preventing further swelling. Do not leave the ice packs more than the recommended time to prevent further injury. Twenty-four hours after the injury, heat therapy may be used to dilate the blood vessels to promote circulation to the affected area which will promote healing. C- Stands for COMPRESSION. Compress the affected area with a bandage to help lessen pain and inflammation/swelling. E- Stands for ELEVATE. Elevate the affected area to reduce inflammation/swelling. Finally, medications such as Soma are prescribed to relieve the pain, stiffness and discomfort of muscle spasms brought about by strains and sprains. Strains and sprains can be very painful and muscle relaxants such as Soma can help provide comfort while recovering from the injury. Prescription Soma is available for purchase online at . Visit for more details. Click on the Live Help button for a live chat with customer service staff. You may also call their toll-free number, 877-479-2455.
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Prescription Soma, Soma, Prescription, spasms, muscle spasms, muscle pain, pain, Strains, sprains, sprain, strain, ligaments,