Its release date was announced during CTIA Wireless convention, in Orlando. During the same event, Samsung had also announced its two new galaxy tabs. This new Blackberry smartphone will mark a comeback for the Blackberry Company, which has lost its digital market share in the smartphone world, over the past few years. Specifications This Playbook is pretty much similar than the other smartphones available in the market. This playbook has a 7 inch display and 1080p video, which is not an extraordinary thing. When Playbook is compared with the existing products like iPad2, Xoom and tablets like LG glass free device, it seems to be superior to the rest. Price Playbook is available for pre-order, with three different models and prices. It is available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB, and its prices are $499, $599 and $699 respectively. However, it is difficult to say whether this device will appeal to the customers or it will be another failure for the company, which is already suffering in the mobile sector. Well, all these questions will be unfolded on April 19. For more information check out digital market share
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