Nose reshaping helps achieve a more pleasing appearance. The nose, though not a major age indicator, is the most prominent aesthetic feature of an individual. Bent and crooked nose profiles and rounded and diverted nasal tips seriously affect the physical profile of the face. Nose reshaping through innovative new treatment modalities can make you more physically attractive. How Nose Reshaping Works Nose reshaping procedure, also called nose job or rhinoplasty, involves separating the nose from the bone that supports it and the cartilage. Alterations are also made to the bone and the cartilage. Some noses require more mass in which case graft is added to make the nasal tip more attractive and also to widen the air passage in cases where patients face respiratory issues due to their nose shape. Sometimes parts of the bone and cartilage are removed. Grafts can also help avoid abnormal looking results, such as a pinched tip. With modern techniques such as the “open” method, nose reshaping can truly help achieve a more pleasing appearance. This unconventional treatment modality enables greater precision and flexibility of the surgery and comes with lesser bleeding or swelling. Nose reshaping surgery is proven effective to - Reduce the size of a long, wide or bulbous nose
- Correct enlarged, thickened, plunging or drooping nasal tip
- Augment the nasal profile
- Set right large, or very wide, or small nose
- Set right a deviated septum for enhanced breathing and improved sense of smell
Recovery Following the surgery that might take up to 2 hours, total rest is required. Bleeding and pain normally occur for a few days. The latter will be taken care of by pain killing medication, while blowing the nose is to be avoided during the recovery time to enable complete healing of the tissues. With nose reshaping you can achieve a more pleasing appearance, and also acquire improved self-confidence. The success depends extensively on the skill and experience of the surgeon performing it. So, it is important that you choose an experienced surgeon. Experts prescribe the right post-treatment care to ensure patients experience minimal discomfort. New York City Plastic Surgery - BodySCULPT® , an AAAASF accredited plastic surgery practice in Manhattan, New York City has renowned plastic surgeons who can deliver a variety of aesthetic solutions and can perform nose reshaping for the nasal anomalies.
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