the full form of MRI is Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is also known as nuclear magneticresonance imaging (NMRI). It is a radiological process of imaging that is used to see the internal structures of ourbody with more details. It uses the nuclear magnetic field and radio frequency to visualize the internal positions of the body and takes the image by magnetization of the atoms of our body. This is most commonly used to take the images of the brain, muscles and the heart. The resultant image formed is very prominent because it can differentiate the body tissues. Unlike radiographs and computerized tomography it doesn’t uses ionized radiations. MRI scans are performed by laying the patient inside a huge cylindrical magnet which has the magnetic field 10000 to 30000 stronger than those of the earth. These waves are passed through the patients body which affects the position of the nuclei and the the star producing radio waves .these waves are fetched but the machine and thus help in forming images. The nucleus of the hydrogen atom present in our body in the form of water helps in the creation of MRI scans. Images of almost all the tissues present in our body can be taken by the MRI scans. The darker the tissue appears the less is the hydrogen content for example bones, similarly the brighter the tissue the more is the hydrogen content for example fat tissues. Those body parts which are located in between bone tissue, for example brains are clearer. Commonly it is used to detect tumors. It is quite different from the CT scan in respect to the position of the image as MRI scans provide the images from all angles and CT scans show the images horizontally. The patient on whom MRI is performed cannot go home after the test. As it uses strong magnetic fields, the patient is restricted to wear any jewelry or metal objects. Patients with pacemaker are not allowed to go through this test. MRI scans are not dangerous, the only problem with this test is that, that the machine is very noisy which may sometime cause annoyance. About The Author Lee Bond is a renowned radiology expert who has over 10 years of experience in the field, and another 10 as a regular surgeon.For more information, please visit MRI scans.
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