MRI means the magnetic resonance imaging. This is an imaging process which is used in the magnetic field to capture the image of the body. It is type of scanning machine. This machine does not use the ionizing technique. It is a very powerful machine which helps to produce the image of the internal organs. X ray, CT scan etc uses the technique that is called the ionizing technique but today with the emergence of this technique it has become very easy to get the report within a fraction of second. This process is a ionizing free process. MRIis used for many purposes. Actually this process uses a particular type of transmitter that p4roduces the radio frequency. This radio frequency has been used in the electromagnetic field. In this field one kind of photon is produced. This photon also produces a frequency. This frequency has been considered as the resonance frequency. Generally these photons work in the magnetic field. When the field is become turned off then the photons start to decay in the position of the spin down.Originally these photons generally produce an electromagnetic signal which helps the scanner in detecting the image. This is a very powerful scanning machine. The magnetic fields strength generally depends on the frequency it has produced. The released photons of the electromagnetic field produce an image that helps in generating the conversion technology. This conversion technology is very helpful for detecting the imaging device. MRI is not an invasive form of technology. It facilitates the physicians in detecting the disease of the patients. It produces the clear image of the soft tissue, blood circulating organs and many other parts of the body. So it is an improved version of the scanning technique. This machine does not use the ionizing technique. It is a very powerful machine which helps to produce the image of the internal organs. X ray, CT scan etc uses the technique that is called the ionizing technique About The Author Lee Bond is a renowned radiology expert who has over 10 years of experience in the field, and another 10 as a regular surgeon.For more information, please visit MRI.
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