Keeping healthy is something we all have to do to make sure that our organs and muscles are in tip top condition, not only to help us live a better life, but also make sure that we do not encounter any acute health problems through our lifetimes. One part of the body that many overlook when exercising is one that we use every minute of our daily routines, our eyes. It may sound unbelievable that we should be exercising our eyes, but as with stretching to warm up muscles before jogging, stretching the different functions of the eyes can be beneficial by making sure you have clear vision right into your golden years. Hopefully by following these simple steps, you will see some improvement to your eyesight, as well as helping to keep your ocular muscles healthy 1) Blinking Though instinctively humans have to blink to keep our eyes fresh and help maintain focus, those who use computers on a regular basis, or even those who watch the television for a prolonged amount of time tend to blink less as we try and keep a constant focus on a fixed point. By blinking more often, we help our eyes recover and prepare to process new information. 2) Palming It may have a silly name, but by simply covering your eyes with your palm, resting the heel of your hands on your cheek bones so not to restrict yourself from blinking, and opening and closing your eyelids can help rest your eyes after a prolonged session in front of the computer. It may help to remove your contact lenses temporarily whilst doing this exercise, as you might find wearing them uncomfortable whilst relaxing your eyes. 3) Tracing a figure of eight To make sure your eyes are flexible and able to look around you can be helped by tracing a figure of eight with your eyes. By doing this relatively simple routine, it can aid looking from side to side, and help your eyes adjust if you regularly wear glasses. 4) Focussing on objects This by far is the simplest exercise as all you have to do is find two points, one near and one far, and focus between the two. This helps the lens in your eye maintain flexibility and also helps focussing on distant objects. If you do have any problems with your vision, the best course of treatment should be visiting your local opticians as soon as possible as they will be able to provide you with a qualified reason and course of treatment to helping improve or correct impaired vision by carrying out an eye test to see where there are problems with your vision.
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Ocular, eyes, exercise, muscles, stretching, vision, eyesight, glasses, focus, looking, lens, contact lenses, opticians, eye tests, ,