There are several masters’ degrees that we confer upon eligible candidates. There is a global standard of excellence when it comes to IT and project management. Our staff prepares students to be leaders in the IT field and meet the mark that the world demands above and beyond expectation. Students who choose to concentrate in a category are specializing making themselves an expert in an niche. This can add professional value to a resume and command a better salary at negotiations. There is a network of support waiting for potential students here. PMP Exam Prep Our students are encouraged to take the PMP Exam Prep boot camp. This exam is given two times per year and students are prepared to pass the actual PMP exam. This exam is the world standard when it comes to IT and project management. IT Management There are seven core classes and 3 requires It management courses incumbent upon students studying in this area. After full completion of these courses students will have a IT master’s degree to carry them to new heights in the professional world. All the knowledge built and time invested will serve as the springboard to forge new pathways in the future of the IT industry. Students are groomed to have good character by imparting off the best education possible from an experienced and supportive network of professors and students. Students are encouraged to interact as much as they need to stay on track. Networking Help Distance learning students pursuing their IT Masters Degree will have a network of online support that is not restricted to a few classes per week. Students will get to interact with colleagues to help understand and implement concepts, have study groups and to support each other through sharing real life experience and skill sets. Students interact online and are granted unlimited access to do so. There is no restriction on hours of operation making it perfect for adults who are pursing education while working in the corporate realm. This network of colleagues will be invaluable and maybe instrumental in securing a position post-graduation. Instructor Assistance Each course offered is taught by an instructor. Students will have a chance to communicate with the instructor about class materials, assignments, due dates, test and quizzes, exam scores and more. Our professional staff of dedicated IT experts are committed to excellence and helping our students excel. Not just to excel but to grasp the fundamental concepts that all IT professions are built upon. You’ll find the staff more than willing to help and support each student at every level needed. Find your way to greater education and enroll in our masters in information technology program. Choose your own schedule and finish at your own pace. The full requirements can be completed in a span of 2 years if taken in part time increments. Give your academic career a boost and go for your masters. Our distance learning courses are perfect for students who don’t have time to sit in lectures to learn the traditional way. If you have any questions regarding admission please see an specialist to help you. Get all the support you need to finish the IT Masters Degree course online and Masters in Information Technology. We make higher education easy to attain. Call an admissions specialist to start your application today.
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