The days when we used to carry packets of negatives from one place to another for development and printing of the pictures have gone and have given way to digital imaging, storing and printing. EMR (Electronic Medical Record) is the new buzz these days which is easy, fast and more convenient. It provides easy accessibility to all the concerned departments without wasting much of time. Introducing EMRs to the authorized persons with total integration has made Radiology Information more productive. It is user friendly and compatible with the other vendor qualification with ease of use. Many results and suggestions from researches and end user interviews have established that the software for document flow management, which is popularly used everywhere is appreciated widely for the all round support it provides. Features like accuracy, Radiology Information system (RIS), quality, productivity of the radiologist and the quicTAT are the basic need of all radiologists in any hospital. Most of the hospitals & medical centers have switched to Radiology PACS and all the patient images have become digital which can be seen on computer which almost everybody has an access to. The search feature can quickly and easily retrieve the digital images and these images can be stored instantly with an onsite or offsite backup facility for safety reasons. The PACS system ensures accuracy in the imaging and the digital images can also be enhanced by the use of Radiology PACS which can crop, rotate and zoom with a mouse click. One can also adjust the brightness and contrast which allows the user to see the picture more clearly. Radiology PACS also enable the user to distribute the images through internet. PACS system can be used by the authorized persons to access the digital images from any where and can be sent to specialists and physicians for reference easily using PACS systems. RIS PACS connects the radiology information system to the system of picture archiving which saves much of time and efforts used in processing the patients. Radiology PACS are available in all sizes and are able to meet all the needs of digital imaging. About The Author Lee Bond is a renowned radiology expert who has over 10 years of experience in the field, and another 10 as a regular surgeon.For more information, please visit Radiology Information.
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