It was not clear whether the iPad 3 would have a larger or a smaller screen, but the expert told that it would have the retina display technology. Retina display technology incorporates a double resolution, 960X640 display which uses IPS/FFS in the upcoming iPhone 4, as per the reports. New technology offers better visual quality The industry expert, Ming-Chi Kyo from Concord Securities told the AppleInsider about the iPad 3. He pointed out that the next model of the iPad 3 will be having a 9.7 inch panel, with fringe-field switching (FFS) technology. FFS allows a wider viewing angle and better visual quality. The iPad 3 will also deliver the same display quality and the resolution could be doubled to 2048X1536. The enhancement was originally planned for the iPad 2, but Ming told AppleInsider that iPad 2 will not get the new screen, because of the restricted manufacturing yield rates. “At this point making a high resolution and bright IPS/FFS panel is not easy and the production volume and cost couldn’t meet Apple’s requirements,” he said. The newer models of iPad2 will instead have a thinner panel with “anti-reflection,” which delivers better visuals in sunlight. Other devices under development Kyo also told that a new device is under development, with a new operating system. It could be released in the second half of 2011. The new device would be between the size of the present iPad and that of the iPhone. He said that the new device could be designed to work either as a “super iPhone” or an “iPad mini.” Going by the Apple’s usual condemnation of small size of the tablets offered by its competitors, the company is not expected to come up with an iPad between 5 to 7 inch screen size. But Apple might be interested in filling the gap that its smartphones devices sized at 3.5 inch screen and the iPad with a 9.7 inch screen, leave in consumer choice. That is what fuelled the speculations of the company, coming up with a bigger iPod Touch to fill this gap. For more information check out Apple’s iPhone
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