Yeast infection is common, with around 90% of women all over the world suffering from it. Men are also affected. The infection is also known as candidiasis and is caused by a fungus known as candida albicans. There are some simple precautions that you can take so as not to worsen your yeast infection. 1. Select anti-fungal herbs such as marigold. Marigold is a flower that is believed to have anti-fungal properties. Its leaves are the source of its medicinal properties against fungus and are often ground and the liquid is extracted for therapeutic use. 2. It may not be everyone's favorite herb due to its pungent odor, but garlic is known as 'heal-all' for a reason - it is hands down one of the most potent treatments used for temporarily healing various ailments, including vaginal yeast infection. Simply grab a fresh clove of garlic from your kitchen and rinse it lightly under the tap. Then, gently peel off the outer layer and carefully rub the herb on all affected areas. Leave on overnight and wash off with lukewarm water and soap, first thing in the morning. Pat dry with a clean face towel afterward. 3. using douches and feminine sprays or any deodorized pads or tampons will aggravate the infection. Stay clear of them. Avoid clothing made fom synthetic materials like polyester and instead stick to cotton. this allows your infected area to breather. Also make sure that your clothing does not fit too tightly. Drying your genital area thoroughly after a shower (use a blow dryer or fan if need be) helps keep the infected area moisture free and we all know how candida loves moisture. 4. Yogurt is the best home remedy for yeast infection. Applying yogurt on the affected areas, can get rid of the irritation and discomfort to a very large extent. Yogurt has soothing properties and has no side effects. Probiotic bacteria, which are good for the body are found in abundance in yogurt. 5. Prepare yeast home remedies with herbs that are rich in berberine and hydrastine, such as goldenseal. berberine and hydrastine are two volatile, anti-fungal ingredients that help slow down the growth of the yeast fungus and eventually destroy it. 6. Another all natural cure for yeast infection is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil contain compunds known as terpenoids. These substances have which have been found to have antiseptic and antifungal qualities and are responsible for the type of smell that you find in plants like eucalyptus and for the familiar flavors of cinnamon and ginger. Other familiar terpenoids include menthol and camphor. Tea tree oil is commonly diluted and then applied topically to the yeast infected area. Author is an online medical researcher on yeast infections treatment. Click read more on home remedies for yeast infections, treatment for chronic yeast infection.
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