Worrying whether you are suffering from the onset of sight loss, or coping with the diagnosis of it can be a troubling time, not only for yourself but also those around you. It can cause feelings of worry and stress, and also increase the uncertainty of being able to live a normal life into your golden years. There are many organisations that can help you transition through this stage by providing you support and help along the way. Charities such as the Royal National Institute for the Blind can be the first port of call for many, as they can put you in touch with the right people to help you through the anguish and strain being diagnosed with sight loss can have. What should you do first? It can be a stressful experience coming to terms with accepting that your vision is degrading, but it should be understood that whilst it can be hard taking that first step, by doing it you will help yourself in the long run. It is important to stress that you should have your eyes examined by an optician as soon as you can see any symptoms of sight loss. In some cases a visit to your local opticians could prove to be lifesaving as it could lead to a diagnosis and early treatment of an ailment you are suffering from. What will happen next? In most cases, glasses can be prescribed to help correct your vision, as most common cases of sight loss are due to long or short sightedness. And depending on your status, it doesn’t need to be seen as an expensive treatment either. The NHS provides free eye tests to those who are under 19 or over 60, as well as those receiving certain benefits. The NHS can also help towards the cost of glasses and contact lenses in most cases as well. Medical professionals recommend that you carry out an eye test at least every two years, even if you believe to have perfect vision, as not only can an eye test help with your vision, it can also diagnose various other health problems such as diabetes. It also can help improve your overall wellbeing as it can be a frustrating experience not being able to see things properly without assistance. The most important thing that you should remember if you’re suffering from sight loss is that you are not alone. There are services there to help you through it all and in most cases it can be provided at no cost, and ultimately can help you get back on track and live life to your fullest.
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