Landscape lighting can dramatically enhance the look and feel of your house. Whether you want to light up your driveway or walkway or even your garden with well tended flowers, landscape lighting is the best option. Here are a few tips to help you install landscape lighting - 1. Understanding the required materials: How much area you intend to cover? Does your project answer safety concerns or is it strictly for visual appeal? The total numbers of light sources you intend to use also play a crucial role. 2. Find a receptacle: You need to locate a receptacle that is closest to the place where you want to set the lights up. Take the help of a professional if you feel you are not that confident in this regard. 3. Position everything: Judiciously set the lights where you feel they would serve the best purpose. Attach the ground spikes to the bottom of each light and drive them into the ground. While you carry out these tasks ensure that the wire leads are above the ground. The measurements are quite tough and so you should take the help of a professional in this regard to avoid shelling out more in the long run. 4. Dig a trench: Once you have successfully laid the lights you need to dig a trench, which is six inches deep, and runs alongside the lights. Lay the UF wire in the trench and attach the leads of each light to it. Once you have done so, cover one end of the UF wire with electrical tape, then bury the whole length of it with the dirt you have removed to dig the trench. 5. Attach the transformer: On the base or the rear end of the transformer you will find two screw terminals, you need to split and strip the UF cable in two and attach each wire safely to each terminal with a screw. If you are not an expert at this, consult an expert now! 6. Place the transformer in a secured area: Place the transformer safely close to the receptacle that you are going to use as a power source. Remove the cover of the transformer and set the timing for the lights to come on and go off. 7. Test your work: After successfully assembling all you need to, plug in the transformer and wait for the lights to switch on according to the time set. Or, if you are impatient you can just hit the manual test button. However, to save you the trouble and keeping safety measures in mind it is always a better idea to hire a professional to do the job. If you are looking for a professional contractor, for landscape lighting, Springfield VA is the best place to get one. For the starters you can login to for electricians who are the best in business. Generator Repair Alexandria - Aces Electric have good electricians that are expert in generators repair works. They also provide 24 hours emergency services in the community of Fredericksburg, Stafford and Springfield, Virginia.
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