If you have a mortgage or a credit card, you are probably shelling out a lot more as interest than towards your principal. That is just the way credit works. There is a way you can reorganize your finances to ensure that you get a mortgage or credit card that is actually cheaper. Ask for a lower rate. It is true that a short telephone call can decrease your interest payments. If you do not make the call, credit card and mortgage lenders are not interested in lowering your interest rates. In the case of cheap financing, the squeaky wheel will get the grease. In a 2002 national survey from U.S. Public Interest Research Group fifty customers with varied credit backgrounds called credit card and mortgage companies and requested lower rates. In this study, over half scored lower rates - a whopping 56%. Rates were seen to drop on average from 16% to 10.47. Customers stated that they were quite impressed that their credit cards and mortgages rates were sliced by one third simply through one phone call. It simply flows with the - it doesn't hurt to ask philosophy. If you don't ask, you DEFINITELY won't get it. Unless you ask, you just never know what could happen. So why don't more people do this? It is simple, it just doesn't occur to us. We are given a rate, we sign to it, and we take it to be immovable. But it costs credit card companies and mortgage lenders several hundred dollars in advertising and marketing to acquire one new customer. Today with online vendors offering the same service, competition is tough and if you are a good customer, the lender is going to work hard to keep you. Further, the lenders can afford to cut you a break, and if they are interested in your business, they will do cut you a break. And this is precisely the approach you need to take when you make that call. "Hi this is so and so calling. In the mail today I've gotten about 4 different offers to reduce my mortgage rate or Visa interest rate. I would like a lower rate. What can you do for me so that I won't have to switch to another company?" Avoid a confrontational conversation. You just need to ask, and always remember that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. And follow the adage, if at first you don't succeed, try, and try again. You may get someone more cooperative on the phone next time. You may be redirected to the "customers threatening to switch" department. You won't know the result unless you ask. If you are struggling with high interest rates, you have the power to at least try to do something about it. Remember that you have nothing to lose and you could increase your savings Want to learn more about parenting, child birth, pregnancy, breast feeding, weaning and more. Visit the parenting site to now more. Also read about Breast Milk Supply and Mastitis.
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