If you come across a situation where you have to save a life will you be ready? If someone you know gets injured, then will you be able to prevent the injury from getting worse and manage to contain the situation from deteriorating? If you come across someone who has become unconscious and is not breathing, then will you know what to do? The answer for most of us would be no. This is why it is important to be prepared by completing a CPR training course that contains the most recent 2010 CPR guidelines. We will assist you in a CPR Certification and a First Aid Certification. CPR is a lifesaving technique that is comprised of chest compressions with rescue breaths. New CPR guidelines released in 2010 have changed the typical ABC method of CPR that was Airway, Breathing, and Compressions to the CAB method. The CAB method has you immediately beginning CPR with chest compressions, followed by opening the airway, and delivering rescue breathing. Although the old guidelines are not obsolete, you will see new guidelines in effect next time you go to renew your certification. Consider a passerby on your morning jog who falls down unconscious in the street. What will you do? Being a mute spectator is not easy. But not knowing what to do can keep you from trying to provide aid. This is where a CPR Certification and a First Aid Certification will help you. A CPR Certification will teach you how to identify the condition, and how to respond in an emergency situation as such. A First Aid Certification would assist you in getting that person in an appropriate position and do what is required to prevent the injury. In case of bleeding, how it is to be stopped or how an injured limb is to be kept is what you would learn from the First Aid certification. This is an enhanced skill that you would acquire and this is one of the most important practical and useful certification which -you would not realize till you need to use your knowledge of CPR and First Aid - will make a marked difference. A recognized online CPR Certification and a First Aid Certification will always put you in the forefront in case of emergencies and your dependability would automatically increase. You can be rest assured that you are well equipped to handle all medical emergencies. So what are you waiting for? Do the CPR Certification as soon as possible. Do a First Aid Certification along with which as well to enhance the scope of dealing with medical emergencies.
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