Body language is a form of nonverbal communication wherein one can send or receive messages through body movements, gestures, facial expression, and the like. There are general acts of body language that almost everyone does in his or her daily life. However, do you know how to speak this language? Can you understand other people by just reading their body language? The importance of knowing how to speak through body language is that you can have the ability to control any situation with anybody in any place and time. Personal Space Everyone of us has his own personal space. It is somewhat like a comfort zone. It is an invisible region that surrounds you, and if someone tries to invade it, you will feel uncomfortable or threatened. But one's personal space is dependent on certain situations. A person who grew up in the city with crowded streets has a smaller personal space compared to one who lives in the rural area. Learning how to respect one's personal space is one method to make communication through body language more effective between two or more people. There are body movements and gestures better appreciated and understood when there is an appropriate distance. Body Gestures And Movements Various body parts are used in the body language – the hands, arms, legs, head, and body posture. Hands can make several gestures, each with a difference in meaning; and you can express well through them. If you want to let another person know you are interested in him or in the conversation, the hands can emphasize it for you. Do not try to hide your hands from him, like putting them into your pockets. This gesture means that you are hiding something from him or you are already getting bored. Showing your palm upward or outward shows that you are comfortable and interested in your situation. Leaning your body or directing it towards that person is also a signal that you are indeed listening to him. You can still give a good impression even in the most tense situations, like in a job interview. You simply have to avoid gestures that are giving signals that you are nervous, uncomfortable, or anxious. Never slouch, fidget, drum your fingers, shuffle your feet, or tremble. These actions takes the word “confidence” away from you. You can also speak through handshakes. A firm one with the palm pointing downwards and arm slightly extended indicates confidence or power. Meanwhile, a weak handshake pointing upward is an indication of tension or shyness. You must also be aware of the message you are trying to convey whenever you cross your arms. This is one of the actions that you must avoid. This will tell another person that you might be hiding something, lying, or being impatient. Make Your Eyes Talk Your eyes can clearly express what you feel or desire. Eye contact is the most important eye body language since it could mean interest, confidence, eagerness to listen, and sincerity. The inability to hold long eye contact indicates dishonesty or discomfort. Culture: A Very Important Consideration In conversing with another person, it is a great advantage that you know their culture. Prolonged eye contact, act of raising voice volume, and touching may be rude to other countries, especially in Asia. Also, there are a number of gestures that mean differently in other cultures. Discover the Secrets of Body Language Explained and find out how you can read the Non Verbal Communication going on
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