Every day, from the news we read to the television we watch we’re inundated with little bits of facts which help us understand different topics. The news will provide statistics to help make its reporting more logical and easy to understand, whilst newspapers might provide a more comprehensive analysis of the facts in front of us. But whilst you’re absorbing all these facts watching the television or reading the paper, have you considered a couple of facts about your eyes that are doing all the work? Here are a couple of facts to ponder about caring for your eyes and keeping your sight able and healthy. Here are some facts for parents. When most of us think of visiting the opticians for an eye test, the first thing that comes to mind is reading the chart of letters that get smaller whilst having an eye covered. However, if you think your child has a problem with his or her vision but you’re also worried that they won’t be able to understand the letters on the grid, opticians are able to use pictures instead. And as many children spend less time playing computer games and watching children’s television and are being allowed to play outside, they run the risk of causing damage to their eyes in their later years, as scientists have discovered that children’s eyes are exposed to three times as much UV rays than adults. Another little known fact many people are blissfully unaware of is that a yearly check at the opticians does not only just check whether you’ll need to use glasses, or have your glasses’ prescriptions changed. But that an eye test can also reveal underlying health problems, such as diabetes, and even high blood pressure. Many of us like to enjoy the moments we see the sun creep through the clouds after particularly gloomy weather like we’ve been having recently. But a recent survey also revealed that an overwhelming amount of the general public, 90% to be precise, did not know that it was important to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sun during sunny weather. It sounds pretty logical to wear sunglasses during sunny weather but many of us consider sunglasses more of a fashion accessory. Instead it’s important to remember that they’re a utility that helps keep our eyes healthy and lets us see for longer. These small tidbits will probably stay in the back of your mind to be recalled at the most random of times but knowing them can definitely prolong your eye health and make sure that looking after your eyes becomes more of a priority than something that’s left on the back burner.
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Children, eyes, glasses, eye tests, facts, did you know, opticians, diabetes, high blood pressure, eye health, eye care,