With LCD panel Callback, companies house prices began to loose 32 inch flat panel LCD below 3,000 yuan, 40-inch flat panel LCD below 3990 yuan. Recently, three journalists visited Dongguan Home Appliances Marketplace found that in the previous "rise in the price," one after today LCD TV There a collective price reduction trend. Industry said that starting from December this year to next year's calendar before Chinese New Year this time is " Black " Sell The most prosperous period, whether manufacturers or businesses will invest resources to re-occupy the first end of the year the market. Flat panel LCD below the "worth" In July this year, flat-panel LCD TV there calling up the hot sound, and by December, from the market TV Price played the "straight down" brand of view, this "rally" or stop. Recently, the reporter visited the home appliance stores in Dongguan was informed that at present, prices of flat-panel LCD TV is gradually callback, especially 32-inch flat-panel LCD TV once again below the 3,000 mark, while the 40-inch flat-panel LCD is below 3,990 yuan, 46 inch flat-panel LCD TV below 4990 yuan. Other large-size flat-panel LCD price cuts have also played tag. "Brands and joint venture brands of domestic color TV manufacturers are now fully launched the end of the year ending the war." Sources, according to the stores area into December, the TV will celebrate the annual festival sold the most season. While the price cut, or just a "primer." Factory collective participation " TM to " Journalists also found that although the New Deal published three major household appliances for a long time, but the implementation to the present, only a "TM" was sought after manufacturers heat. In Dongguan, "TM" New Deal first color TV with only a few domestic brands to carry out the appropriate business activities, a joint venture brands, do not "cold." But recently, journalists in Dongguan, the stores have seen three major home appliances, TVs in addition to the price straight down, almost all of the TV business are involved to a "TM" campaign to. "Essentially all of the TV now are labeled as 'subsidy 10% of TM to' label." Yesterday morning, the Dongguan area of a TV store sales staff told reporters. Subsequently, Dongguan States United States Dongguan Suning aspects disclosed TV this weekend, "TM" will be hot. According to the department store market, officials said, "consumers are 10% of state subsidies, based on multi-vendor store will join none other, and ultimately 20-30% of discount subsidy." TV area sales store that sells for 5,000 yuan to a flat LCD TV, for example, if the TM to the activities of consumer participation, can be 500 yuan of subsidy. "If 20-30 percent of discount subsidy to operators, consumers get the price of color TV from 3500 to 4000 yuan." Many factors pressing prices lower Industry, said LCD panel prices have meant lower cost of LCD TV cost, then the flat-panel LCD TV market, or will a new round of "price reduction trend." "According to recent data released by the Ministry of Commerce, as of mid-November to carry out the 9 pilot provinces and cities appliance TM to recover Jiujia Dian total 230 million units, sales of new household appliances more than 193 million units, sales value of about 7.63 billion element. "Dongguan, U.S. official says the country, from the above data, the" TM "on the sale of pull more recently," TM "as a key focus of the business GOME. Also analyzes the industry, "should be said that TM to pull on the TV business is most obvious. Of course, this is also driving the key points lower TV prices. In addition, the replacement rate of TV products are fast, cost reduction, the manufacturers see the 'viable', would expand the production line, production more, prices will fall. "However, the store's who admitted that in December the annual TV sales in the most Festival season, during which some of the new TV will replace older, older sharp price cuts were also normal. "After all, this is the end of the year manufacturers to grab more market share, and completed the year-end goal spurt to make some concessions." I am an expert from China Toys Suppliers, usually analyzes all kind of industries situation, such as hand painted silk scarves , long silk scarves.
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