Over the last year, we’ve seen a great deal of excellent films released onto our screens that have captured the imagination of us all. But one thing that has caught our attention the most is the use of 3D technology that has brought the novelty of three dimensions to the silver screen. The only thing that audiences have had to do is put on a pair of polarized glasses, and immediately they’re fully immersed in the action happening before them. This revolution has caught the ‘eyes’ of the major television manufacturers and broadcasters across the globe as something that can help increase television viewership and increase the uptake of newer technologies in our living rooms. Unfortunately, the downside to owning a 3D television is that to watch any programme in three dimensions, you’ll also have to wear glasses to view programmes on it. However a recent survey found that amongst the millions of us who have gone to watch a film in 3D, around 10% of the nation are suffering from some form of poor binocular vision. This unfortunately means that some of us are finding it difficult to fully enjoy this new medium and in some cases, not be able to see the difference at all. Thankfully, as with any ailment, the best course of action is to visit your local optician if you believe to be suffering poor vision. A simple contact lenses 3D compatible, as they provide even more of a better experience for the wearer as they would not suffer from having to view the screen at a head on angle. The question we have to ask ourselves is whether there is any need to buy 3D glasses or lenses when in reality, we’ve all got the ability to see our everyday lives in thre
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