Character's Role: A smart middle-aged detective who knows the game and appreciates the chain of command in the BPD. Bunk Moreland is Jimmy McNulty's partner in the homicide unit, but he does not have Jimmy's same disdain for authority (or at the very least he doesn't act on it). Over the course of the series the Bunk does some of the strongest police work of any homicide detective in Baltimore's Police Department (save perhaps Lester Friedman). Like McNulty, Moreland also has various indiscretions and problems with alcohol, but these are made to seem small in comparison with the personal problems of his partner. Moreland has a wife and 3 kids (who he hilariously pretends are the orphaned kids of a murdered states witness when attempting to force a statement of guilt out of Avon Barksdale's nephew, D'Angelo). Actor: Wendell Pierce, who also stars in the brand new HBO show from David Simon called Treme. What Seasons: In seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Favorite Scene: Bunk chatting with and lambasting of Omar during season 3. Favorite Line: "Makes me sick, motherf*, how far we done fell." - This is the last part of the scene mentioned above in which Moreland says that Omar and the whole game just disgust him. Omar remarks that Toesha (one of Omar's crew) was not a victim since she was part of the game; Bunk tells him that this is absolutely ludicrous and that there used to be a time when every body mattered. Foil or Rival: James "Jimmy" McNulty. Bunk is the more ethical Jimmy McNulty (emphasis on "more") and he is a Jimmy McNulty who respects the chain of command. Maybe not quite as sharp as McNulty, Bunk exhibits a determination (as shown by the DNA analysis which he follows from season four into five) which makes it possible for him to to arrest one of the worst killers in the show. Critical Analysis: (see above) Get more on Bunk, The Wire, and pick-up The Wire DVD complete set.
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