In the age of globalization a study abroad experience is more than ever a great crucial turning point for young students. Indeed such an experience has almost become a must for the CV of an young adult starting a job career. Studying the subject of your choice in a foreign country means to build up your future while you learn a different language and, more important, you start to merge into a different culture. To know how to cope with cultural differences is certainly an advantage in a fast constantly changing world. Besides, in order to succeed you need to learn how to overcome serious obstacles. In fact, it is not at all easy for a foreign student to enrol in a prestigious Italian faculty, such as Medicine and Architecture. Obviously the first issue to be faced is the language. Our experience shows a future successful student needs to have reached at the beginning of his/her university course a level of Italian knowledge equivalent to C1 of the European Framework. The second challenge is the entry test. The exam is normally scheduled during the first week of September. Its purposes are to test three areas of knowledge: logical skills; technical subjects; Italian language and culture. The Italian University Preparation Courses offered by Scuola Leonardo da Vinci are exclusively design to help and guide the students through the entire process. There are two main modules. The first is focused on Italian language and culture and places the foundations for the second module, scientific subject and exam training. Module I) Italian Language and Culture - An intensive course, i.e. 3 hours/day, 5 days a week (Monday through Friday). The advised length of the module depends on the level of Italian knowledge the student has. The number of weeks/hours and the 2011 starting dates that we suggest are as follows: Absolute Beginner Starting date: 17 Jan Weeks: 24 Hours: 360 Beginner Starting date: 14 Feb Weeks: 20 Hours: 300 Elementary Starting date: 14 Mar Weeks: 16 Hours: 240 Intermediate Starting date: 11 Apr Weeks: 12 Hours: 180 Upper Intermediate Starting date: 9 May Weeks: 8 Hours: 120 Advanced Starting date: 6 Jun Weeks: 4 Hours: 60 While successfully following the program students gradually develop all the language skill needed (speaking, listening, reading, writing) and also both in class and outside improve their knowledge of every day Italian life and habits. The didactical approach used also helps to acquire higher level of general Italian cultural (politics, economy, entertainment, history, traditions and so on). Module II) Scientific Subjects and Exam Training - Four weeks full immersion course (120 hours). The starting date for 2011 is 4 July. Our advice is that only a student proficient in Italian language (C1/C2 of the European framework) should enrol directly in this module. Three targets. First, to review the scientific part already studied in high school in the country of origin. All professors are experts in the following fields at university level: Faculty of Medicine in Italy: Biology Chemistry Physics Maths Faculty of Architecture in Italy: Technical Drawing History of Art Physics Maths Second target, to set wide plethora of information about Italian Culture. Third, to be trained for the entry test through simulation sessions using exams from previous years. Further information about Italian Preparation Courses for Medicine and Preparation Courses for Architecture are available on the school’s website.
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