Ayurveda is quiet poopular when it comes to the well being of a person. The ayurveda meditation process uses all natural herbal products and include various other activities including ayurvedic yoga to bring in a balance to the whole human system. Ayurveda also give importance to a healthy diet to restore the essential nutrients and balance of the body. Our body can be classified into Doshas and depending on these the food constituents can be grouped accordingly. Some food that is beneficial to a particular Dosha can be harmful to another and this depends on each person’s health conditions. In ayurveda for a balanced body, ideal food should include lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber content and carbohydrates as the source of energy. Tridoshas include Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha. Each Dosha has some particular qualities. Each Dosha will be discussed in detail and how to counterpart them with an ayurveda diet. Vata Dosha include properties like cold, dehydrated, stiff and jagged. Vata Dosha can be neutralized by the effect of certain components. A person suffering from Vata Dosha is recommended to have lots of diary and as well as sweet and oily foods to balance the tissue and muscles of the body. There are lots of food substances that can balance Vata Dosha and to name some include the ghee, rice, corn and all sweet fruits. Bad habits including smoking, consuming alcohol, junk food, spices, etc can exaggerate the Dosha, besides that there are certain foods including refined oils that can affect the same. Traits like Hot and oily comes under Pitta Dosha. To balance this one need to have cool food that can smooth the body temperature and benefit the whole body system. To overcome this one should consume lot of milk, mild spices like coriander and olive oil and avoid fried and spicy foods. Kapha Dosha has the qualities like Cold and oily. More of light and dry foods should be included in their diet. Foods that have a bitter taste including puffed rice and leafy greens are recommended. Kapha imbalance may lead to Lung disorders and other heart diseases. Following healthy food habits is the best method of keeping oneself active and healthy. Ayurveda diet insists on having food at moderate quantities in certain intervals of time and drink a lot of water. The ayurvedic diet includes lots of fruits and vegetables that provide fiber and carbohydrates that gives all the nutrients to the body and increase stamina of the body. Drinking water between meals is a bad habit and ayurveda strictly prohibits this habit. One can rejuvenate your mind and body and relax body functioning by doing regular exercise including yoga. Every human being should practice Ayurvedic diet to lead a healthy life.
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