When you approach women the incorrect way you will often ruin your chances before you even get the opportunity to ask for her a date, her phone number, or anything else you might want to do with her. When you've got the right mental attitude towards approaching women and you can start conversations with confidence, you're going to experience a much higher success rate. It can mean the difference between approaching women and getting shot down or ignored, and easily scoring phone numbers and dates on a daily basis. So right now let me share with you a few tips that can turbo charge your "approach game": 1. Always keep your body language in check and project an air of confidence. This is HUGE. When you approach women, if your body language isn't on point and you're communicating uneasiness, you're going to cause her STRESS LEVELS to rise and she's not going to welcome your approach. By maintaining an air of confidence, you're sending the signal that you're a guy who is worth knowing. Remember, when you approach women, your body language and confidence level are just as critical as the "opener" you use to get the ball rolling. 2. Don't walk up and just immediately ask for her phone number or a date. This is an amateur move, and sends the wrong mssage. She will immediately just dismiss you as another guy trying to pick her up and that is not the kind of impression that you want to give off. Your goal should be to start the conversation in an interesting way that does NOT communicate your sexual interest. This does not have to take long, sometimes just a few minutes or less. But, if you walk up and just ask for her number, don't expect her to get a pen out and start writing it down. 3. Find a way to get her to laugh along with you. It's true that "fun is the ultimate attraction switch" -- when you raise her energy level by making her smile and laugh, it becomes easy to "bond" with a woman quickly and score her phone number. See, when a woman feels an instant connection with you, then it does not seem like a big deal for her to give you her number. You are a guy she feels connected to -- so why would she not want to STAY connected to you? Want me to show you the 7 "bulletproof" openers that I use whenever I approach extremely hot girls and the conversation tactics I use to create chemistry within minutes? Click here, learn the openers, and get started today: How To Approach Women The Easy Way
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