Maybe you received a beautiful anthurium plant as a present or you purchased one as a memento of your Hawaiian getaway and now you might be thinking: "Just how do i keep this stunning plant alive?" Luckily for you, so long as you can stick to easy directions, you should have no problem keeping your new anthurium plant alive for a long time to come. The top thing you need to do is water your anthurium appropriately. Anthuriums are incredibly robust plants, however like just about all plants they must be properly watered on a regular basis. You should water them every one to three days, depending on the humidity level and temperature, however you have to be very careful to not over-water them. Make sure that the pot which you have placed them in drains nicely. When their roots are permitted to sit in standing water they will experience root rot. You need to keep your anthurium plant inside your home and out of direct sunlight, which may burn their blossoms and foliage. Provided that the temperature is cozy for you, your anthurium will be fine. They like temperatures between seventy and ninety degrees, just like most people do. If you keep your anthurium plant inside your home, the great thing is that you're not likely to run into any issues with bugs, including scales, thrips and aphids. however, if you do come across these unwanted pests you can cope with many of them by misting the foliage of your anthurium with water and wiping them by using a soft cloth. If this isn't enough, you may utilize an insecticidal soap to keep these kinds of infestations under control. In outdoor facilities, an earth borne, bacterial blight can decimate complete patches of plants. But again, you are in luck, because by keeping your plant indoors it can easily evade this perilous risk. The leading disorder your plant may face is a nasty fungi that can gobble it up. Nonetheless, as long as you don't over-water your anthurium and you make certain it is potted in a soil that drains nicely this shouldn't be a problem. However, if you encounter this scourge, it is possible to manage it with any of a number of fungicides. Your anthurium doesn't need very much in the way of nutrition. Over fertilizing is a much greater threat than under fertilizing it. A mild, 1 / 4 strength solution of 3:1:2 ratio plant food every 3 to 6 months is more than sufficient to keep your anthurium healthy and happy. As you can see, keeping your anthurium alive is an easy process. Just remember to water it regularly and make sure that its roots are never subjected to standing water and your anthurium will certainly live a long time.
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