Authors: V. Rama Murthy & Alla. Srivani, ResearchScholar, Rayalaseema University, P.G Department of Physics, T.J.P.SCollege, Guntur-6 A.P India. Abstract: A lot of relations have been proposed to estimate the Physical parameters for GaAsxSb1-x III-V Ternary Semiconductors. The proposed relations has been applied to GaAsxSb1-x III-V Ternary Semiconductors belonging to groups III-V. It has proven advantageous over other estimates in the sense that there are fewer computational studies in the literature involving n and X for Ternary semi conductors. The computed values for the refractive index and Composition are found to be in good agreement with the known ones. A comparison between our present values and the ones in the literature is also done. Keywords: Density, Thermal velocity, Bulk modulus, Infrared Refractive index, Piezo electric constant, Dielectric constant. Introduction: 1)In this opening talk of physical parameters of GaAsSb Firstly, GaAsSb-based heterojunction tunnel diodes, instead of conventional InGaP highly doped tunnel diodes described above. 2)These materials have a lower tunneling distance. Indeed, in the heterostructure formed by GaAsSb and InGaAs,. 3)the valence band of GaAsSb is higher than the valence band of the adjoining p-doped layer [10]. Consequently, the tunneling distance dtunnel is reduced and so the tunneling current, which exponentially depends of dtunnel, is increased. 4)Hence, there is a lower voltage than if we have used the InGaP tunnel junction. There are other advantages to use GaAsSb heterojunction tunnel diode. Firstly, the same current can be achieved by using a lower doping. 5)Secondly, because the lattice constant of GaAsSb is higher than that of Ge, we can use a wider range of materials for the bottom cell because more materials are lattice-matched to GaAsSb than to Ge [10]. Objective: The main objective of this paper is to show Physical parameters of GaAsxSb1-x III-V Ternary Semiconductor Compound. Purpose: The purpose of study is Investigation of Physical parameters of GaAsxSb1-x III-V Ternary Semiconductor to represent additivity principle even in very low composition range. In the present work we propose a simple relation for estimating the Physical parameters of GaAsxSb1-x III-V Ternary Semiconductor. Theoretical impact: x value 0 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 Basic properties: atom no :4.42E+22,4.331E+22 4.287E+22,4.24E+22 4.42E+22,4.331E+22 4.42E+22,4.331E+22 4.287E+22,4.24E+22 4.2E+22,4.15E+22 4.11E+22,4.06E+22 4.02E+22,4E+22 Density 5.32 5.349 5.3635 5.378 5.3925 5.407 5.4215 5.436 5.4505 5.465 Dielectric constant D.C(STAT)12.9 13.18 13.32 13.46 13.6 13.74 13.88 14.02 14.16 14.3 D.C(H.F)10.89 11.241 11.4165 11.592 11.7675 11.943 12.1185 12.294 12.4695 12.65 Effective mass me 0.063,0.058308,0.0561555, 0.054132,0.052238 0.050472,0.048836 0.047328,0.04595 0.045 mh 0.51 0.499 0.4935 0.488 0.4825 0.477 0.4715 0.466 0.4605 0.455 Energy gap Eg 1.42 1.242 1.162 1.088 1.02 0.958 0.902 0.852 0.808 0.77 Electrical Properties Thermal velocity Electron440000 457204 465509 473616 481525 489236 496749 504064 511181 5E+05 Hole 180000 183000 184500 186000 187500 189000 190500 192000 193500 2E+05 Optical properties Infrared Refractive index n value 3.3 3.3509 3.377025 3.4036 3.430625 3.4581 3.486025 3.5144 3.543225 3.573 Basic properties atom no 3.93E+22 3.89E+22 3.84E+22 3.8E+22 3.75E+22 3.71E+22 3.66E+22 3.62E+22 3.57E+22 3.53E+22 Density 5.4795 5.494 5.5085 5.523 5.5375 5.552 5.5665 5.581 5.5955 5.61 Dielectric constant D.C(STAT) 14.44 14.58 14.72 14.86 15 15.14 15.28 15.42 15.56 15.7 D.C(H.F) 12.8205 12.996 13.1715 13.347 13.5225 13.698 13.8735 14.049 14.2245 14.4 Effective mass me 0.04358 0.042588 0.041726 0.040992 0.040388 0.039912 0.039566 0.039348 0.03926 0.0393 mh 0.4495 0.444 0.4385 0.433 0.4275 0.422 0 .4165 0.411 0.4055 0.4 Energy gap Eg 0.738 0.712 0.692 0.678 0.67 0.668 0.672 0.682 0.698 0.72 Electrical Properties Thermal velocity Electron 524821 531344 537669 543796 549725 555456 560989 566324 571461 576400 Hole 196500 198000 199500 201000 202500 204000 205500 207000 208500 210000 Optical properties Infrared Refractive index n value 3.602225 3.6324 3.663025 3.6941 3.725625 3.7576 3.790025 3.8229 3.856225 3.89 Variation of Physical parameters of GaAsxSb1-x III-V Ternary Semiconductor with composition (x) is given. It has been observed that Refractive indices (n12) increase for compounds (x=0.0-1.0) with the increase of composition. Future Plans: 1) Current data set to include the most recently developed methods and basis sets are continuing. The data is also being mined to reveal problems with existing theories and used to indicate where additional research needs to be done in future. 2) The technological importance of the ternary semiconductor alloy systems investigated makes an understanding of the phenomena of alloy broadening necessary, as it may be important in affecting semiconductor device performance. Conclusion: This paper needs to be addressed theoretically so that a fundamental understanding of the physics involved in such phenomenon can be obtained in spite of. Physical parameters of GaAsxSb1-x III-V Ternary Semiconductor have been carried out because of computational complexities and difficulties associate with disorder in the alloys.Our results regarding the Structural properties of the ternary alloys are found to be in reasonable agreement with the experimental data. SUMMARY: I have reviewed the available information about Physical parameters of GaAsxSb1-x III-V Ternary Semiconductor for Basic, Electrical, Optical, and Thermal Properties. Acknowledgments. – This review has benefited from V.R Murthy, K.C Sathyalatha contribution who carried out the calculation of physical properties for several ternary compounds with additivity principle. It is a pleasure to acknowledge several fruitful discussions with V.R Murthy. References: · 1)Goldberg Yu.A. and N.M. Schmidt Handbook Series on Semiconductor Parameters, vol.2, 2)M. Levinshtein, S. Rumyantsev and M. Shur, ed., World Scientific, London, 1999, pp. 62-88. · 3)S. Adachi, J.Appl. 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