You recycle your empty cans. You remember to switch off the lights when you leave the room. You even make sure to buy energy efficient equipment for your home. And yet, when it comes to IBM ink cartridges, you insist on buying them from the original manufacturer, in spite of the fact that you have to pay through your nose. Of course, you will say that you want quality, but what most people don't know is that remanufactured cartridges offer pretty much the same quality as those manufactured by OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) If you are looking for IBM ink cartridges, you probably go to your supplier and ask for toner manufactured by IBM. Then you go home, pop out the empty cartridge and throw it out with the trash. The plastic cartridge lies in a landfill somewhere, non-biodegradable. With millions of such plastic waste being discarded every day, the damage to the environment is massive. So, as an environmentally conscious person, how do you prevent the damage you do, without compromising on quality? Well, the answer lies in remanufactured cartridges. Remember, every remanufactured laser cartridge saves nearly 2.5 pounds of metal & plastic waste from being deposited in landfills. And before you start worrying about quality, know that these are remanufactured using the OEM cartridges that have been thoroughly cleaned, checked, worn-out parts replaced and then filled with high-quality ink. Not only do these remanufactured products help save the environment, they are also very light on your pocket. Far cheaper than most OEM products, these cartridges don't have to compromise on quality because they are made by recycling the OEM products themselves. This is a big advantage remanufactured products have over compatible cartridges, which are basically new products made by third party manufacturers from scratch. Compatible cartridge makers cannot possible use the same high-quality material because of the economies involved, so their products will always lag behind OEMs and remanufactured products in terms of quality. However, one big disadvantage of remanufactured IBM ink cartridges is the lack of any kind of quality control. With OEMs, you know what you are getting; however, with remanufactured products the quality varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. This is why you need to find a reputable online store that has been around for a long time and is known for delivering high-quality printer supplies at a reasonable price. So the next time you are looking for IBM ink cartridges, visit They have a variety of printer accessories for IBM printers as well as printers from other, big-name brands. Now you can have the best of both worlds, with both quality and economy at your fingertips. We here at provide you with online information on ink cartridges.
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ink cartridge suppliers, ink cartridges, laser toner cartridges, Printer Ink Cartridges, toner cartridges,