Are you looking for a forex advisor to assist you in your trades? There are several available choices for you in this matter and you need to find the one that can accommodate your need perfectly. Of course, some of them are only scam advisors, so be very cautious for these guys. So, what kind of advisor do you search for? Before you answer that question, see the list below for better picture of the types of forex advisor that available for you. 1. Forex trading Course This can be a program or class in which you are going to get materials and resources about forex trading. Different course has different scope. A few of them educate you on currency trading from basic level, others believe that the student already understand about the fundamental knowledge and go straight to more advanced subjects. Nevertheless, I suggest that you do not get trading course that way too detailed. Put simply, a course that tries to stuff all the complicated concepts into your head at once. You only need practical knowledge that you could employ and see the result right away, not three hundred fifty pages of trading theories. 2. “Live” Course Live course is where you observe your mentor while he’s making use of the real live market as your “classroom”. You’ll still get lessons, explanation, and resources. But this time, you see it being used in real market condition and the way it generates real result. This type of course is great since you can simply copy your mentor trades and gain profits while studying his methods while doing so. Nonetheless, I suggest that you reinforce your fundamental knowledge first before take this sort of course. 3. Trading Signal As it name implies, a trading signal service will send you a notification when a potential opportunity to make profits appears. The notification consists of currency pair to buy/sell, time to execute, take profit order info, and stop loss order info. When you’ve received the signal, it is entirely up to you whether to execute the trade or not. A trading signal service provider will never inform you their reasons, analysis, or any other basis behind the recommendation. They just deliver the notification, and that’s it. Possibly not a great choice if you wish to evolve as a trader, but some people may find it really convenience. 4. Managed Trading I'd not call this one as purely “advisor”, but I think it also worth to cover. Managed trading is where you have somebody else to trade for you. In other words, you simply provide the fund and let them take care of the rest. You have two options: have a trader handle your trades or have a forex robot (expert advisor) to do it. There are benefits and drawbacks for both choices, but basically you just need to choose one that can generate steady profits for you. Obviously, you can get more profits by having a good forex advisor, but take your time when selecting the one that best for you. The easiest way to recognize the one that works is test it on a practice account against real market movement. That way, you'll know whether it's a winning system or not. If you're considering of employing automated trading, read the hard facts first in managed account in forex trading and forex robot software.
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