Unfortunately, If you have breast cancer, it would be good to know what it is, so you will know how to fight it. Without knowing what it is, how can you deal with it? You will be groping in the dark. Breast cancer is a bunch of cells in the breast that become abnormal for some reason. Researchers suspect that some forms of bacteria get into the cells and cause mutation. The mutated cells can then attack other normal cells and cause them to become mutated. Some cells end up getting destroyed. As you can see, the older you are, the higher your absolute risk of breast cancer. Keep in mind that these numbers and percentages are averages for the whole population. Your individual breast cancer risk may be higher or lower, depending on a number of factors. In some women, breast cancer seems to form if their menstrual cycle starts too soon. The average age for a menstrual cycle to start is about age 12. But for those that begin earlier, these are the women who run the risk of getting breast cancer sometime in their lifetime, particularly before they hit 30. Another cause is late menopause. If a woman has menopause after 50, it causes the system to have an adverse reaction. The hormones change too late. Many types of breast cancers are inherited. If the family has a history of breast cancer, it is very likely to be passed on to later generations. So if you had a great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, sister, or cousin, who had breast cancer, you may get effected as well. Having a diet filled with too much saturated fat can cause breast cancer. A diet that includes monounsaturated fats like canola oil and olive oil does not appear to cause or increase the chance of breast cancer. Women who take estrogen replacement therapy also can get breast cancer. This is true if the therapy has been extended up to 10 years. It is obvious that breast cancer is a serious illness and should be taken seriously. Women should never forsake getting checkups, especially when they reach their ‘20s. If Breast cancer is not stopped or controlled, it could end up spreading beyond the breast and end up in other areas of the body. This is when it becomes an absolute necessity to find a cure and quickly For many years Scientists and researchers know what breast cancer is and they they have been working on ways to fight it. They know that since cancer is a bunch of abnormal cells, they take the research and apply what they know towards finding medicines that will either destroy the abnormal or mutated cells, or alter them so the cells can repair themselves and become normal again. The fact breast cancer is a bunch of abnormal cells requires knowledge as to why the cells become abnormal. By finding what causes this to occur may provide a clue as to the reason for their development in the body. By knowing what causes the abnormal cell structure, those who do have breast cancer, can find ways to reverse the process. R.P.Bhalla writes extensively on Health and Relationship issues. http://nature-cancer-cure.info http://truth-about-cancer.info http://natural-diet-solution.Info
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