If you have ever found it difficult to track down an affordable quote for a home insurance policy that provides all the cover you need, it may be because insurers regard your property as being at a high risk of subsidence or flooding. Mainstream insurers try to steer clear of providing cover in situations they regard as being high risk and respond to requests for a quote in one of three ways. The most straightforward is to simply refuse to provide a quote, but they may also opt to hike the premiums to such a level that they are unaffordable or to insert a number of exclusion clauses into the terms of the policy. One of the groups who find it most difficult to obtain house insurance are people who own properties that have previously been underpinned or are located in what are regarded as subsidence areas - often homes that are built on the sites of old mines. Offering cover for these houses is regarded as too big a risk by many major insurers. However, there are a number of smaller insurance companies prepared to provide affordable cover in the form of specialist policies. They work on a case-by-case basis and provide quotes for bespoke policies designed to offer the appropriate level of cover for your circumstances. There are also some insurers who specialise in cover for properties perceived as being at an increased risk of flooding. If you own a home that has been flooded in recent years or is on a floodplain, you are likely to discover it is very difficult to even obtain a quote from a mainstream insurance company. Instead you will need to turn to one of the specialists prepared to offer tailor-made home insurance cover to people in unusual circumstances. Finding such specialist insurers can be a time-consuming task, while attempting to compare the cover offered by bespoke home insurance policies can be tricky unless you have a broad knowledge of the terminology involved. With that in mind, it can be a good idea to use an intermediary to help you search for quotes and work out which of them represents the best deals.
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