The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a vital document that you use to contact prospective employers; therefore it should have the capability to stand out from the rest of the job applicants. Before writing a CV one should keep in mind that a recruiter probably reads hundreds of CVs and does not have the time to read each and every CV carefully, under those circumstances only a well written and well formatted CVs is what attracts a recruiter. A lot of preparation goes into the making of a really good CV and there are certain principles that one must keep in mind before preparing the final draft. For instance, presentation and length are two important factors which play a key role in the selection of a CV. A CV should not only be written well but also be presented well. It should be of relevant length and focus on the experience that is relevant. Most of the people keep on adding their new experience to the CV’s but forget to bring relevant changes to the older parts of their CV. So ensure that your CV is not carrying a load of redundant information and is to the point. Secondly, carefully format your CV, make use of good fonts, outlines and make use of bullet points wherever possible to make your attractive CV. In addition, to the presentation and appropriateness of the CV, a candidate must ensure that the CV clearly offers four things that include personal details, education background, employment history, interests and other achievements. Personal details must include your name, address, working status, and contact details like telephone number and e-mail address. Under educational background you must clearly mention all the details of the all the degrees, diplomas that you hold. It is advisable to mention the year of passing and grades scores as it leaves a good impression of the employer. You can also include the record for all the professional examinations that you have appeared for. The next thing that must be included precisely in a CV is your employment history. Here you must mention the details of all the organizations that you have worked with in the past and the job responsibilities that you handled at a particular organization. You must also mention the amount of time you spend at each organization. Some other things that can include under this section are evidence of interpersonal skills, technical skills, decision-making skills and computer literacy. Major achievements such as special projects and secondments should also be highlighted. In the end you must also include your interests and extra-curricular activities as it gives an employer a good measure of an individual’s personality. Always remember that only a good CV will increase your chances of getting an interview call. Still if you have any doubts on how to write a CV you can take help from the CV templates available online. CV templates are written by professionals and can act as a good guideline source while formatting a CV. For more information on curriculum vitae Preparation visit:
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