According to the osteopathy philosophy, the body has a natural tendency to heal itself and can maintain homeostasis if driven in the right direction. This specialty has gained widespread recognition in the recent years as an osteopath uses a holistic approach to guide the body towards good health. The main job of such a specialist is to understand the body anatomy and physiology and use non invasive methods to correct problematic areas due to trauma, diseases and other chronic ailments. Osteopathic treatment is known under various names in different parts of the world like OMT or Osteopathic Manipulative therapy, Osteopathic manual treatment and Osteopathic Adjustment. It is very important to choose a highly skilled and trained osteopath as the way the method is applied is as important as the technique itself. How Does this Treatment Work? In a typical treatment, the osteopath applies innocuous forces at the right parts of the body to release the strain and stress and also to make the body’s self healing forces work in the right direction in addressing the diseased areas. The different types of forces that is used for the treatment technique are high and low velocity, balanced tension, augmentation and muscle energy. Osteopathic therapy can be directed against any part of the body including bones, muscles, ligaments, connective tissue, membranes, organs, biological fluids and embryologic matrix. Let us take a detailed look at the various treatment techniques used in osteopathy. 1. Fascial and Mysofascial release – This is an age old technique that has been in practice for centuries and it employs the use of both direct as well as in direct force to correct many fascial restrictions. 2. Muscle Energy – In this method, muscle contractions which are voluntarily produced by the patient himself is used in a direct manner to treat the disease. 3. HVLA – This is also known as the high velocity low amplitude method and in this technique, direct forces are applied in a rapid manner to the traumatic area for the healing process. 4. Counterstain – In this therapy, tender points of the body are used to locate the region where the fault lies and then the tenderness is relieved and the body held till the disease condition reverts to normal. 5. Balanced Tension – This technique is most commonly applied to treat defects of the ligaments, connective tissue and membranes. Here, a tension is created within the body up to a level after which the body gets the capability to self heal. 6. Observation – This may sound like a myth but the truth is that careful observation targeted at the right points by a skilled osteopath can bring about changes and make the body heal itself. 7. Percussion – In this method, a Foredom percussor is used by the practitioner at certain points of the body to augment the action of the self healing powers of the body. Only a trained and experienced osteopath will be able to identify the body condition and use the right osteopathy technique in bringing about healing. Are you looking for some more great info about Osteopathy? Come to ">Cotham Road Osteopathy for all your ">Osteopath Melbourne needs! Check out our website for all of your osteopathy advice!
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