When you first hear of card making, what is the first thing that would come to your mind? It could probably be the memory of that first card making experience when you are forced to make a card by your high school or grade school teacher. Having this memory all the time could most probably make you detest card making so much. It is one of your hatest task in the world and for you card making take up much of your time and it could really stress you out. The worst thing about card making that you could ever think about is that it is never worth it. In as much as you detest it, you are also pretty sure that your friend or family won't like it. They won't appreciate or at least get to realize the amount of effort that you poured into that wonderful work of art or at least wonderful in your own little world. But that shouldn't be how we should perceive card making. Card making is one of the most creative ways of self-expression. It is one of the classic way of confessing our feelings to someone we love. By feelings, I am not solely referring to love. There are a multitude of human feelings that a human person is capable of feeling. In birthdays, for instance, we could express through a greeting card how thankful we are that we have a friend in the persona of the birthday celebrator. We could also express how happy we are that finally one of our friends have already found her happily ever after and tied the knot. And even in the saddest days, we could also express our deepest sympathy through a greeting card our condolences for a friend whose loved-ones passed away. There are indeed many occasions by which we can make use of our card making skills. This is why it should be done with so much affection and not with hatred and anger in our hearts. Card making should be done wholeheartedly, we should not force ourselves into it because doing so would ruin the whole thing. If we are not the type of person who is into crafts and who would have the patience to work on it, then we might consider buying a commercialized card instead. But at least we should take an extra effort to write our personal message in it. Believe it or not, writing a personal message in greeting card is also a part of card making itself! Visit Paper Mill Direct to know more about Calendar 2011.
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