After over 14 years of clearing ghosts from homes and freeing people from the negative hold of disembodied souls we are convinced that ghosts are a lot more common than people realize. Hollywood has demonized (literally) the phenomenon, but don’t be afraid. In reality, most are more of a nuisance than threat, much like a mosquito, if you know what to do. Simply put, a ghost is the disembodied soul of someone whose body has died. Instead of going to the “Light,” they remain earthbound. Ghost hunters on TV do a great job of detecting paranormal activity, but they usually don’t send it to where it needs to go to continue its spiritual evolution: in the Light. This final step in ghost busting is often overlooked, but is crucial because if it’s not done the ghost will continue to cause problems for itself and others. Addictions, attachments to familiar places, sudden and unexpected death, suicide, revenge, and fear of “hell” can cause ghosts to stick around. They may have died in your home, wandered in on their own, or followed you home from hospital, cemetery, or bar, for example. How do you know when you have a ghost hanging out in your home? Signs include unexplained noises and voices, objects disappearing, electronics turning on and off by themselves, young children seeing people you cannot, lights flickering, unexplained smells or hot or cold spots, feeling like you’re being watched, seeing shadows out of the corner of your eye, pets acting strangely, a sudden urge to overeat, drink, smoke, or do drugs (especially if you cannot attribute the urge to anything in particular), and nightmares. Fortunately, you can help the ghost and yourself relatively easily with the following steps. 1) Identify the energy. Is it a guide or a ghost? Higher level guides are not abusive or negative. A guide or loved one who has crossed over will pop in to help and you’ll feel uplifted. If your ghost is a loved one who died, realize that it’s better for both of you if they go to the Light. 2) Research the home and area history. Did someone die in the home or area? Is or was there previously a bar, crack house, burial ground, morgue, cemetery or hospital nearby? 3) Sometimes ghosts don’t realize they’re dead or being bothersome. Therefore, firmly yet calmly explain out loud that he or she is dead, this is your home now, and it’s time to move on to the Light (point upwards). For more stubborn energies, use these next steps. Make sure you are sober and centered during this process or you’ll open yourself up to the risk of possession. 4) Utilize the Light. Spiritually protect yourself by visualizing a bright, white Light. Pretend the sun is shining brightly and, or lightning is striking and filling you and every corner of every room. 5) Burn sage. You can find sage at health food and metaphysical stores and online. Light the sage, hold over an ashtray or plate, then walk clockwise around each room while imagining the space being purified by the smoke. 6) Use step 3 above again and then call in their loved ones from other side to help explain that it’s time to return “home.” 7) If the energy does not want to leave, call in God, guides of the Light, and for tougher cases, archangels Michael and Sandalphon for assistance in guiding the lost soul(s) to the Light. These energies are always willing and able to help, but you must ask. *Important* Do not simply cast out a ghost from your home because it will wander into another home. Instead, always guide it to the Light. Once there, it won’t return as an earthbound spirit and cause harm to itself or others. For more challenging cases, utilize the services of a Spiritual Detox, spirit releasement, or ghost removal expert. Or, use our Spiritual Detox. Only use experts who send the unwanted energies to the Light (make sure to ask), have a good track record, and do not charge outrageously high fees (avoid “psychics” who charge $1000s for “spell removal”). The best ghost busters will calmly and firmly communicate with the energy, call in plenty of spiritual assistance and protection, and guide them to the Light. Free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic, plus Numerology Decoder Software and more. Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo
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