Being a grandparent is an awesome experience because it allows for people to leave a legacy after them for many generations. Many grandparents view grandchildren as a chance to redeem themselves. Some people feel like they should have and could have done a better job at raising their children. A lot of people say if they only knew then what they know now. Grandchildren are an opportunity for grandparents to sort of do it the right way. Grandparents try to instill in the grandchildren things that would not stick in their own children. However, many parents find themselves saying the same things their parents told them when they were younger. In some scenarios the grandchild can approach the grandparent easier than their parents about issues. For example, a teenager might be have some questions about peers at school and may not feel comfortable talking to their parents. The grandparents can provide a listening ear and good advice without punishing the child. When most people become grandparents they are retired or not working a full-time job. This gives grandparents the opportunity to spend a lot more time with the grandchildren. They can take the children on trips and other eye-opening places to expose them to other cultures. Many people keep their grandchildren and in some cases great-grandchildren while the parents are at work. Studies have shown that older people taking care of and spending a lot of time with young kids helps the older people stay healthy. A grandparent who takes care of a young grandchild who is two years old will be likely to take the child to the park. At the park the grandparent and the grandchild will get plenty of exercise while they are playing together. Doing any activity with young children will give the grandparents plenty of exercise. Some other activities grandparents can do with their grandchildren include, cooking, gardening and scrapbooking. Gardening is a great way for everyone to get plenty of outside time away from the television. The child and grandparent will be able to go to the store to pick out flowers, and plant and water them. This activity will allow for the child and grandparent to get exercise. Cooking is a great way for the grandparents to bond with grandchildren. They can share recipes that have been handed down from generation to generation. It will also be fun to come up with new recipes that can be a family secret between the grandparent and grandchild. Creating a scrapbook is a great way for the grandparents to pass down memories to the child while looking at old pictures. The grandparents can tell stories and history of the family. They can tell the grandchildren what it is like growing up in a particular decade if pictures are from that time. It is great to have a grandparent who can pass on wisdom and advice. Many people these days take their grandparents for granted. However, they are getting older and may not be around for long. Everyone should cherish their grandparents while there is the opportunity to do so. Author Credit: Gabriella Gometra is webmaster of, which has information about plain white dinnerware sets and casual dinnerware sets.
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