Have you noticed how many cards you encounter everyday whether at your home, at work, at school and almost everywhere? Make a keen observation about this particular product. Card is made of firm and sturdy substance and most of the time either square or rectangle in shape as we usually see it. There are different kinds of card and with different kind of purpose too. Now let’s talk about the diverse type of card that for sure you had used before or are still using now. 1. Greeting Card- designed and made for different kind of occasions. This type of card is commonly made of stiff and solid type of paper. Specially designed and customized for a given occasion and is usually placed in an envelope. 2. Report Card- commonly used by schools and some business firms. This contains important data about students or employees. It is usually plain in colour and is filled mostly by texts. 3. Index Card- like what you see in libraries and is normally use by teachers and students. 4. Credit Card or ATM Card- the latest innovative card of today’s era. These types of cards are made of sturdy plastic like material and contain microchips and other electronic elements. They are sensitive in nature and an outmost care is required when handling these types of cards. You must not place it in extreme heat or cold and must avoid getting it near magnetic devices as it may affect its main purpose. 5. Playing Card- the type that is commonly used in games or even in gambling. You may add up lots of different kinds of card to the list above because we all know that the aforementioned above are just a few. We may find different distinctions when we talk about cards but then we will still go to the bottom line of it. Why do we use these cards? Why do they all have to be firm and hard in nature? Why do they have to be a square or rectangle? Well, I guess the reason why card has to be hard and compact is to ensure its durability. We usually use this item outdoors and are often pass from one person to another hence the need for its flexibility is important.
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