THE DREAM JOB:WORKING FOR YOURSELF This article will deal with an aspect of the entrepreneur's work:how to turn a hobby into a profit. Most entrepreneurs began their careers stating, "I need to be able to work for myself one day. Instead of dreaming about a life they wanted, entrepreneurs worked extremely hard to become their own boss and create their perfect lifestyle. WHAT WE HATE ABOUT WORKING FOR OTHERS When we're in this type of job, we cringe at the idea of going to work and will come up with a list of excuses as to why we cannot go to work that day. We will also, inadvertently, come up with deadlines of which we need to find another job by. FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU HATE ABOUT EMPLOYMENT WITH OTHERS If you find that you are working for a job or a company you hate, you need to stop focusing on hating your job and start focusing on why you hate your job or the company you work for. Without a proper foundation that is well developed, (through figuring out what you liked and didn't like about an already formed business), your business will surely fail; especially if you do not take the time to reflect on what you did not like in past jobs or companies. In other words, do not stop with the questions in this article. By doing this, you will give yourself the opportunity to look back at what you hated when you are getting ready to turn your hobby into a business. You should also plan to write everything you think about down in a question and answer format. WRITING YOUR BUSINESS PLAN You need to consider this step an important aspect to designing your business so you should take this step seriously. This section will discuss writing a business plan that will help you take your hobby making it a profitable business. You should get specific and even day dream a bit to come up with realistic and important questions to ask yourself. WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY? FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO FOR PROFIT. The idea of this section is to help you focus on one specific aspect of a hobby and mold it into a profitable business. Once you have figured out an aspect of your hobby that you can use for a profitable business, you should start incorporating this aspect into your business model. It can be overwhelming if you "take on too much" with a business idea. LOOK AT SIMILAR BUSINESSES GET IDEAS If you think this is something you may want to do, find a business where you like what they do and it may closely resemble what you'd like to do in your business. Many business owners are happy to discuss this, so this very well may prove to be quite valuable to the start of your business. Focus on the specifics of their business. Also, it will help you create a network in your new industry. Promptly call the owner of the business up, explain that you are interested in their line of work and ask if you could have a tour of their facility or speak with them about your business ideas. RINSE AND REPEAT All of us dream about having the perfect, job, family, and spouse. FINALIZE YOUR BUSINESS PLAN. WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN NEXT:LEGALLY, EDUCATION, AND FINANCIALLY. You should spend time researching the different types of equipment and costs and estimate how much money you will need to purchase or lease these items. Make sure you do your homework when it comes to proper licensing, education and legal requirements as not doing this can make you end up with a law suit, or in trouble with the law. EDUCATE YOURSELF IN SALES. VERY IMPORTANT Some entrepreneurs will learn sales from a job in sales. Other people prefer to learn skills from reading books. Even though this may set you back for on your timeline for opening your business, you will probably find that this is time well spent because you will learn the fine art of sales - a task that is usually difficult for many people to master. CREATE. DESIGN. WHAT WORKS WITH YOUR BUSINESS MODEL? After designing a business model and after conducting all of the necessary research, (competition, education, legal and financial requirements), you should be ready to open your own business with your hobby product in mind. Constant analysis of your business will help keep it on solid footing until it starts to become successful and profitable. Leval Ainah helps people succeed online. Turn any hobby into a business. discover 24 totally unique business models.
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