Among all different kinds of paper sizes, many countries opted to use the A4 rather than the traditional American paper sizes. The A4 card is part of the ISO paper sizes and ISO has standardized dimensions that make it easier for the user to determine which size would be perfect for her needs. The ISO system is not using any names that could be deceiving for some who are not so savvy users. If you are not an English speaker who might have a hard time figuring out the different American and UK paper sizes, the ISO system is definitely the better system to use. The names are based on the dimension of the paper sizes. The sizes start with A0 and ends with A7 with A0 as the largest and A7 as the smallest. The A4 card size is 297mm in height and 210 width. It is slightly narrower and slightly longer than its counterpart in the U.S. The majority of the countries, particularly the European countries, have already embraced the A4 as their standard size for official correspondence. If you ask somebody on the streets about the A4 card, they will immediately know what you are talking about. Almost everyone has an idea of how big a paper you are referring to. However, American paper sizes are not as common. Tourists and even immigrants who have been born in other countries still struggle with the logic behind the names of the American paper sizes. The first time they are confronted with it is probably when applying for the entry visa. Many of the forms you will have to download is automatically programmed for American paper sizes. You would have to change the setting if you want your print to come out properly. This could pose a challenge to many who are not familiar with the American paper sizes. All in all, many people agree that the ISO sizes, which include the A4 card, are more user-friendly. Since they are using numbers to name the different sizes, they are easier to understand than the other types of paper sizes regardless of your ability to speak English. Still, the U.S. among the very few countries, still stay loyal to their own American system of naming paper. This is the reason why many people who come to the U.S. often complain about the confusing names they use for their paper sizes. Next time you download anything from a U.S. site, make sure to adjust your printer setting before you hit the green button.
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