Having legitimate leads to your mortgage website is essential to any successful mortgage business. Without them you would never gain more clients and your business would never grow. But not many agents out there know what is involved in generating leads to their mortgage website on a regular basis. They understand how important it is, and they know it takes some work. But when it comes right down to the technique of generating leads, they are simply at a loss for what to do. Listed below are some techniques you can use to produce more leads to your mortgage website, all of which can be used not just for your website, but for blogs, search engine optimization and other web elements. 1. Keep your website clean and simple. Too many websites out there are cluttered with too much information. In order to generate leads, people and search engines need to be able to find the information they need on your website. 2. If you want people to take a certain action on your website, you need to specifically design your website to lead people to that action. For example, if you want people to contact you, your website needs to have very visible signs that lead to the contact page or a contact form. Think about the goals people have when they visit your site. Help them find their way, and they'll be more likely to stick around. 3. There is a big difference between leads and web traffic. Just because you have a lot of people coming to your website (traffic) does not mean you have a lot of people taking action on your website (leads). Leads make money, not traffic. 4. Try using programs on your website that require people to interact with you. Programs like forums or chat rooms where people can get on, ask questions and expect answers. These increase the likelihood that they will contact you in some way. 5. Start a mortgage blog. Blogs are free and super easy to set up. They are also a great way to encourage participation from visitors to your website. Some of them will leave comments on your blog, usually from local buyers or sellers, which means they could become your next client. Write on your blog every day to increase traffic to your website. Publishing new content on a regular basis not only attracts people, but also search engines, which in turn attracts more web traffic. 6. Landing pages are a great way to capture more leads through your mortgage website. A landing page is a simplified web page that represents something important about your services and asks visitors to take a certain action, such as contacting you. The information on this page removes all other distractions and increases the likelihood of visitors taking that action. 7. Search engine optimization works for everyone if you do it right. Design your web pages to increase traffic through keywords and phrases, cross-linking, title tags and other SEO techniques. 8. Put your contact information in a prominent location on every page of your website. Most people will look for it in the upper right corner of your header. This simple step will increase the number of leads and inquiries you get. 9. If you feel like you have a pretty good handle on your already existing website, why not try launching a second one? It doesn’t even have to be a second website – it could be a second blog or web forum. If your current website is successfully producing leads, why not double that success? All it costs is a little time and energy on your part, and it could double your leads and inquiries.
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