They say time would come that nobody would waste their time buying greeting cards anymore. They also believed that the greeting card business is but a dying industry. It is comparable on how the new media are actually eating the circulation and readership of our daily newspapers. People would rather take time to become updated through the television, radio or internet rather than to purchase a newspaper and take time in reading it. The fate of greeting cards would also be similar. People would realize how lame it is to take time buying your loved ones a greeting card and write a message, when in fact you can actually use the money to buy your friend or family something that is more useful than a greeting card. Like a handkerchief maybe or a ballpen, something that would be used everyday. If this is the case, then could we possibly agree that the demise of greeting card is already coming. Could we possibly leave in a world without greeting cards? A world that you would not be allowed to use greeting cards or even make a personalized or handmade one? Could you bear it? Greeting cards would never die. It would last forever. Although, many people would fail to realize the worth of greeting cards all the time, let's face it, once we receive a greeting card that is packed with so many touching messages, we can't help but read them over and over again and keep them in the most treasured of all treasured boxes in our room. Greeting cards immortalize our feelings more than the typical letters can. It adds something that no words could ever express. Greeting cards are also made from a material that can withstand the test of time. It is made from boards that are more substantiated with wood fiber making it more durable than the usual paper. Meanwhile, if you are to compare greeting cards from other gifts, no gift could actually articulate or put into words what you feel or the things that you wanted to say to that person. For instance, if you would give her a ballpen, sure she can appreciate it and would probably use it everyday. But down to the last ink of your ballpen, the recipient is still clueless on how special he or she is for you. He or she would never know how much you care and how much you really wanted to become a part of his or her life. All she could recall is that you gave him or her a ballpen. Through the years, the fact still remains. Greeting card is still the best gift that anyone can treasure and receive. It conveys exactly the message that you wanted to tell someone and most of all greeting cards spread love in this world. Love, and not any of the other material gifts that you can think of as a gift, is what this world actually needs.
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