Did you notice how very expensive greeting cards in bookstores have become? Have you ever missed sending a greeting card to a friend because the expense of buying a card just does not fit your budget anymore? Then perhaps at that time you wished you had the artistic ability to make your own cards so you will not miss out on sending birthday greetings, wedding greetings and whatever greetings you want to convey to friends and loved ones. Card making is the craft of hand making greeting cards. Of course, with the help of technology you can make your own greeting cards without getting your hands dirty. In this article, we will talk about how you can start a hobby out of card making and then we can figure out how this will allow you to save a lot. Card making is really an inexpensive hobby if you know how to organize your supplies. However, for someone who is just starting you may need to invest on some basic tools and materials to start making your own homemade greeting cards. To start with, you will need to invest on a good pair of scissors and a paper cutter. If you can afford it, buy a pair of paper trimmer as well. This will help you make precise, even cuts as the paper trimmer has vertical and horizontal rulers to allow you to make measurements easily. Of course, you will need paper. Card making sites that I came across in my search to write this article highly recommends getting white and colored card stocks and patterned paper that compliments the colors of your card stocks. You can buy card stocks in 8.5 X 11 sizes or you can get those that are pre-cut. Next, you will need adhesives for your project in card making. You may choose to get either glue in a bottle, glue sticks, or glue dots. Glue dots would be best to use when you need to stick ribbons and other embellishments. You can also get some double-sided photo-tabs, which works well with photos and paper, but you may do away with this at first especially if you are not planning to use photos on your first project. Perhaps the most important material you will need for your first project in card making would be the embellishments. There are many embellishments to choose from. Choosing the right embellishment for your project might be confusing at first timers especially if you do not have a design in mind when you go to the store. I suggest that you must have a design in mind before going to the store to get your materials. This will make it easier for you to make your choices. Embellishments make your card sparkle. They can come in the form of ribbons, metallic threads, buttons, beads, colored glitters, colored stones, eyelets, fiber, stickers, and rubber stamps. As you go along in this new hobby, you would be surprised at the number of materials you have collected. I’m pretty sure that before you know it, you have collected hundreds of different embellishments and paper. Before you know it, you have learned everything there has to know about card making. You will become an expert among your circle of friends. Your friends will admire you for the personalized greeting cards you send. And most of all, you have not only gained a hobby, you have saved on greeting card expenses and who knows, this could open doors towards a new business for yourself.
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