Another update came out for job losses in December; 85,000. Every time I read one of these headlines or articles I just sit back and ask myself how are these individuals going to survive and care for themselves and their families. It makes you wonder if these individuals are reacting to the job loss with "why me?" where do I go?" and "what do I do now?" I also ask myself what if anything did these people do to help prepare for this day? Did they prepare for this and "Were they ready?" for this day to happen to them like so many others across the world. Some people may ask if being prepared means more savings, could they have put in more hours at work, could they have worked harder, had no debt. While all of these things would be nice, we still watch on the sidelines at tens of thousands of people lose their jobs. Could they have been working on a "plan B" while also on "plan A", of course they could have. Many people start a second "job" or "career" while working somewhere else, sounds good in theory but what about the time factor? We all have the same 24 hours in our day, no more, no less. I hear many people talk about time management, which is not right it's a huge misconception, you can't manage your time, just what you do with your time. We all want more time, more time to sleep, more time to spend with the kids, more time to spend with family and friends, more time to practice our golf swing. How do we get this "more time" if we are working on another "job" or "career?" Many people have found the "more time" and freedom in owning their own business. Many people feel that having a home business is silly or taboo, and owning your own business is unrealistic, but isn't it really one in the same? The number of Home Businesses range from 18 million to 36 million in the United States, depends on who is doing the counting. Stats have been produced showing that the Home Based Business produces roughly 427 billion dollars per year, that's more than the three US car manufactures combined, even before the recession. I ask myself if this is such a prosperous industry with the ability to be free from trading hours for dollars, why aren't more individuals looking into the opportunity to have their own Home Business? This is a very good question. Today you can start a Home Business for so much less than a conventional brick and mortar business, and only have a fraction of the worries. These individuals that lost their "job" could have prepared for this day by starting a Home Business a year or two ago to get the learning curve out of the way, to build a more free lifestyle and more security. This is what many people are missing, you don't have to wait until you are unemployed to start a Home Business, you just have to have the desire to have a better lifestyle and more freedom. I started my Home Business while I was still employed and has changed my life for the better, and I will never look back, the freedom is awesome, going to gym when I want, going to lunch with friends when I want, taking off to the lake on a whim, I am my own boss! I will never be a victim of a "job" loss and then wonder "what am I going to do now?" When are we going to wake up as a society and realize that what we have been doing for decades isn't working? The definition of insanity is "to do the same thing over and over again but expect a different result", are you insane, are you expecting something different to happen to you but do the same thing over and over again? So I ask you what are you going to do differently today? Your Friend and Mentor, Check out my blog at for more information. Robert David Strong
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