The Wailing Caverns completion achievement by amelie wang
The Wailing Caverns completion achievement |
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Wailing Caverns is one that I find the tanks often leave the party as buy wow gold soon as they zone in wow gold when I'm in there on my Shaman who cannot tank. They leave partially because the instance is so darned long, but also because as a Tank it's generally your responsibility to lead direction and get the group from the start of the instance to buying wow gold the end. If you don't know your way through the twisty turny intestine-like mess of loops that describes Wailing Caverns, it's really easy to get lost and run around in circles while you buy gold wow try to find whatever it was you missed to bring you on to the next boss. And in order to get the safe wow gold Wailing Caverns completion achievement, you have to finish all of world of warcraft gold the regular bosses, and then talk to the Tauren at the start of the instance, in order to escort him to the final boss. It's not a small trip! So if you find yourself in WC as an Alliance, and the Tank is leading direction well and actually gets you to the escort at the end, be sure to say "thanks for leading us through that twisty maze!". I was surprised at the concern that Alliance players tend to have when entering into RFK, though. I mean, Wailing Caverns is long and twisty and confusing, but Razorfen Kraul is actually pretty straight-forward with few places to get lost and run around in circles like in WC. Yet, when my Horde-turned-Alliance friend who was in the PUG with me died (fell into the pit of pigs and couldn't get back up), we both had to convince the rest of the party that there was no need to back-track to escort him back to where we were from the start of the instance, and at first I think the rest of them thought I was being cruel! My friend and I laughed over vent at their responses, and my Mage friend was sure to pipe in on the party line to let folks know he knew the place very well and had no troubles getting back to us, too. He was back with us in no time at all. Truthfully tho, the new exposure to instances that Alliance and Horde had minimal easy access to before cross-realm dungeons and instant teleport to the instance in question, is a challenge that I wonder about. I've been in groups that have used the death of an unruly party member as a way to get rid of them from the party entirely when the person in question cannot find their way back through the instance to the rest of the group, but I've also been in groups where we're nearly at the end of the instance and a new party member finds his or her way to us quietly and without problem.
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