Next to birthday and wedding cards, the kind of card with the biggest impact is the get well soon card! Sometimes, this card has therapeutic effect on the recipient. It's more like they have the healing properties of medicine. They can make the recipient of the card feel so much better and it relieves all the sadness and pain that they are feeling. Although we recognize the importance of get well soon card, some of us are at a loss on what should we write on a get well soon card. Not everyone also is feeling the same way about get well soon cards. So we should choose carefully on what should we say on our get well soon cards and we should make sure that we will contribute to the wellness of the person and not add to his or her burden by choosing the wrong words. So, if that is the case, then what should we say in a get well soon card? Are there clear cut rules when it comes to writing a message for a sick person? There is a good and bad news to this. The bad news is there are no clear cut guidelines in writing for someone who is sick but the good news there are safe ways to do it. We can write something for the sick person without adding any more injury and pain. First off, the get well soon phrase or something similar should always be present. It can even be your only message for the person. A get well soon card is meant to wish the person well. We are extending our hopes that we want her to have the best of health and we are making it known that we want her to be back to her old self again. And speaking of the fact that we want her back, we should indicate how much she is being missed. Don't giver her a rundown of all the work that she missed to do. Please, don't. It will only add to her stress and it might aggravate her sickness. Just tell her how life is different without her and how the upcoming things would be a whole lot better if she would be there already. Giving the sick person something to look forward to is very essential in a get well soon card. And finally, these last words are very important that it should be present in all kinds of card and not only in the get well soon card. We should tell the person how much we love them. Our love would at least become one of the things that they would look forward to, it would be some powerful feeling that could give them hope and could help them overcome what they are feeling.
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