Other diseases often mistake the symptoms of a brain tumor. So, it is really necessary to know the exact symptoms of a brain tumor. In short, brain tumor diagnosis is the first thing which requires. While experiencing these symptoms is not cause for alarm, a doctor should check it. The symptoms of a brain tumor can easily be mistaken for any number of diseases. Early detection is the best chance for survival. Headaches This is the most common and initial symptom which doctors found under brain tumor diagnosis. Generally, brain tumor headaches start out the worse in the morning, getting better as the day continues. They can sometimes be so painful that they rouse a person from sleep. After wakening, the person may vomit and then feel better. Headaches often worsen with exercise, coughing, with a change in position from kneeling or bending. These headaches typically don't respond to the usual headache remedies. Mental or other personality changes: Brain tumor causes to experiences changes with memory, especially short-term memory, speech, communication, or even concentration issues. Several problems which are followed by dull confusion. Brain tumor causes you to experience changes in temperament and personality, depending on the location of tumor. Seizures: About 1/3 of those carrying brain tumors don't even realize it until they've had a seizure, a very common symptom of a brain tumor. They are caused by an interrupted flow of electricity to the brain, causing convulsions, unusual sensations and possible loss of consciousness. Focal Symptoms: More specific focal symptoms also occur and can often be used to identify the location of the brain tumor. These include hearing ringing or buzzing sounds or complete hearing loss, decreased muscular control, lack of coordination, decreased sensation, weakness, difficulty with walking and speech, and double vision. Mass Effect: The increased pressure of the tumor causes mass effect. It swells the brain, causing it to accumulate a soft liquid. An eye doctor can observe it. When it develops, prompt treatment is required to avoid serious consequences. All above mentioned points conclude that brain tumor diagnosis is truly essential for better treatment results. About The Author Lee Bond shares his views about brain tumor diagnosis. He is a renowned radiology expert who has over 10 years of experience in the field, and another 10 as a regular surgeon.For more information, please visit diagnostic mammography.
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