A little about Facebook In today's world of Facebook there are more than 400 million active users in which 50pct of the users are active on Facebook daily and of those users they have an average of 130 friends. There are over 160 million objects that people can interact with from pages, groups and events. The average user is connected to roughly 60 pages, groups or events. The average user creates 70 pieces of content every month and shares it with the Facebook community. More than 25 billion pieces of content are shared each month, content like; web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos and many more. With so many users and so many applications and content that was provided I thought this was a topic to bring up. Being nice on Facebook and being part of a great experience is all of our responsibilities so here are a few things I feel are being nice. Provide Good Content While Facebook is a social networking platform, we all know we have seen not so good content whether it be text or visual. Many people use Facebook for more than one thing, they may use it to only talk to their family and friends; others try to become friends with everyone. When you provide good content it helps you start a meaningful conversation with others, you might send out a tutorial video that you made on how to set up a Twitter account. While this may not be needed for everyone it still is considered good content because you are teaching someone how to use a valuable tool. In which someone could watch this video and want to send you a thank you and a friendship could emerge. Quit the Yelling Ok folks, the caps are considered "yelling", please stop and realize what you are doing. While you may feel that all caps signify that what you are saying is important, it is actually yelling. On another note, using correct grammar is much appreciated. You will come across to others that you are an educated individual that does care about what others think of you. Also when you use slang or other shorting avenues of the message you are trying to portray, you may lose people or confuse them. Please talk back No, this isn't the same as when you were a child and your mom told you that if you talked back she would slap you into next week; this is about continuing the conversation. It is about respect for others and anyone else involved in the conversation, if you comment on a post and then are asked a question or referenced, just comment back. Remember that Facebook is a social networking site, the keyword here is social, so be social. Don't wait a week to reply to a post, this will lead others to believe that you did not feel the conversation was worth your time. Another reason not to wait is they could forget the conversation in whole, think of all the other conversations that they may have had with other people during that week. Spam is Gross Yep, you read that right and just in case you were wondering, I am talking about both types. When I see SPAM I start thinking of a marketing campaign that was done in the mid to late 80's that had a national icon named "Mr. Yuck". Mr. Yuck was a bright yellow sticker that parents could get to put on their cleaning agents to help prevent small children from trying to drink these liquids and poison themselves. While it is ok to do some marketing on Facebook, be considerate of others that may be a friend of yours but has no desire to be involved in what you are doing as a business venture. I have seen some people put the same post for their business 20 times in a 2 hour window, that's SPAM and they deserve a Mr. Yuck sticker! Don't be a Stranger The biggest thing with people is that they like visuals; they want to see who they are having conversations with. They want to see a picture of you, so put up a good profile picture of yourself, not an icon or a lavish beach scene. I can only recommend though that you be smart about your picture; I would steer clear of a picture of you finishing off a bottle of alcohol at a party. Just remember while you may be able to make your profile private, your picture is still public viewable. You will also want to add some pictures of your family, places you have vacationed and a bio. People like reading about other people, are you a car enthusiast that build and race muscle cars, if so put that in there with some pictures of your cars. Consider your friends Depending on what you are using Facebook for should have some bearing on your friends list. Don't become a fan of every page that comes across your profile or wall, if you do this it can lead to confusion as others start reading your profile. For example if your profile picture is of you in camouflage with a deer rifle and the 18pt buck you just slain, but you are a fan of preventing animal cruelty this could lead to confusion. This is the same avenue you would want to consider when you are choosing friends; the friends you keep are a direct reflection of who you are. Let's all be nice on Facebook, let's all help provide a great experience and let's all make more friends and build a stronger community Wishing you everlasting success, Your friend and mentor, Robert David Strong If you are truly tired of the mundane 70+ hour work week, lost time with the family and feel there has to be a better way – I’m here to tell you there is.
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facebook, content, friends, people, picture,